Jul 1, 2017

Jatiphala - Jadhikkai

Botanical Name:
Myristica fragrans

Ayurvedic: Jaiphal, Jatiphala, Jatiphalam, Jatikosha, Jatipatri, Jatipatra, Jatishasya
Unani: Jauzbuwaa (seed), Bisbasa (Mace / Javitri)
Siddha/Tamil: Jaathikkai, Jadhikai, Saadikai
Assamese: Jaiphal, Kanivish
Bengali: Jaiphala, Jaitri
English: Nutmeg
Gujrati: Jaiphala, Jayfar
Hindi: Jaiphal
Kannada: Jadikai, Jaykai, Jaidikai
Kashmiri: Jafal
Malayalam: Jadhika
Marathi: Jaiphal
Oriya: Jaiphal, Jaifal, Jaifar
Punjabi: Jaiphal
Tamil: Sathikkai, Jathikkai, Jatikkai, Jadhikai, Jadhikkai, Adipalam, Attigam
Telugu: Jajikaya
Urdu: Jauzbuwa, Jaiphal

Nutmeg is a small evergreen tree, with alternate, oblong ovate, acute, entire, smooth dark green leaves. The leaves are 7.5-8.8 cm long, lanceolate shaped, coriaceous with shiny portion. The flowers are small and pale yellow.

Its fruits are oval, lustrous, smooth, small, scented, and brownish in color. The cover of fruit is hard, oval to ovoid, and enclose mace, the outer covering on the nutmeg seed (Jaiphal). On ripening the fruit is bifurcated and reddish covering nutmeg is exposed. The orange-yellow papery material which separates from the seed on drying is called Mace (Javitri in Hindi). Javitri and Jaiphal, both are used as Indian Spice. On cutting the kernel dark veins can be seen which are due to the presence of aromatic oils.

Jaiphal (Nutmeg) and Javitri (Mace) both are obtained from an aromatic, evergreen tree Myristica fragrans belonging to family Myristicaceae. The seed of the tree is known as nutmeg and the aril of the seed is called Mace or Jaivitri. Indonesia is one of the largest supplier of this medicinal herb. In India it is cultivated in the Nilgiris, Kerala, Karnataka and West Bengal.

Nutmeg is used for adding flavors and also for medicinal purpose. All around the globe, it is used as folk remedy for treating ailments especially related to digestive system.

Important Medicinal Properties
Nutmeg is rich in medicinal properties. The understanding of these properties will help us to better utilize this herb. These also indicate the conditions in which we should avoid it. For example, it has abortifacient action and causes miscarriage when taken in medicinal doses. It is heating and thermogenic which increases heat in body.

Below is given medicinal properties along with the meaning.

Mace is used therapeutically for indigestion and intermittent fevers. Roasted nutmeg is used internally for leucorrhea.

Nutmeg has sedative and CNS depressant effects. It has relaxant effect on smooth muscles of the intestine.

1. Dysentery
Nutmeg has confirmed anti-diarrhoeal activity. Take a pinch of powdered nutmeg with a cup of hot milk.

2. Diarrhea
Mix a pinch of nutmeg powder in 1/4 teaspoon of ginger paste. Mix in one glass buttermilk and drink.

3. Loose motion, colic paina
Mix nutmeg powder (1/8 teaspoon) with gur or jaggery and 1 tsp ghee and take for curing loose motion.

4. Dehydration due to diarrhea, loose motion, cholera
Take half nutmug. Soak in one glass water for 3 hours. Mix this water with coconut water in equal amount. Drink 2­, 3 times a day.

5. Itching, fungal infection, ringworm
Rub one nutmeg on a stone with some water and make fine paste. Apply on the affected parts.

6. Stomach ache
Powdered nutmeg mixed with ghee is given once a day.

7. Sleeplessness
A pinch of jaifal powder is mixed in luke warm milk and consumed in the night.

One little-known application of nutmeg is its traditional use as an aphrodisiac. In India, nutmeg has been added to curry dishes and also to betel quids for its aphrodisiac effect. Nutmeg is recognized as an aphrodisiac in Malaysia and in Arab countries, and its counterpart, mace, is prescribed by physicians in the Near East as an aphrodisiac

Nutmeg is good as a sex stimulant. When mixed with honey and a half-boiled egg it makes an excellent sex tonic. It prolongs the duration of the sexual act if taken an hour before intercourse. Nutmeg should be taken in very small doses; in appreciable doses, it excite the motor cortex and produces epileptic convulsions and lesions in the liver.

Even a teaspoon of nutmeg can produce toxic symptoms such as burning in the stomach, nausea, vomiting,restlessness and giddiness with hallucinations.

Dosage of Nutmeg
Nutmeg powder (Jatiphala) is taken in dose of 500 mg to 1 gram. Mace (Javitri) is taken in dose of 250 mg to 1 gram.

Children of age group 5-16 years are given half of the adult dose.

Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects and Warnings (Nutmeg)
It is safe in small recommended dosage. It is unsafe to use nutmeg in pregnancy. It must not be used in pregnancy. 

Nutmeg, in high doses or over a long period of time, can cause mental or nervous disturbances. It should always be used with caution, as it is very stimulating. Can overstimulate the brain and heart, causing hallucinations, delirium, convulsions and numbness. Avoid in the first trimester of pregnancy. Should not be used on children. Use sparingly.

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