Jul 2, 2017

Majuphal - Masikkai

Botanical Name: Quercus Infectoria
Common Name: Oak Galls, Magic Nuts
Sanskrit: Majuphal, Mayaphal
Hindi:  Majuphal, Manjakani
Tamil: Masikkai, Machakai, Maasikkai, Masikai
Telugu: Mashikaya
Malayalam: Mashikka
Marathi: Maayaphal, Majuphala
Bengali: Majoophal, Majuphal
Kannada: Machikaai
Punjabi: Maju
Assamese: Aphsa
Gujarati: Muajoophal, Mayfal, Maiphal
Oriya: Mayakku

Oak galls / Majuphal or Manjakani are the outgrowth on the tree, Aleppo Oak (Quercus infectoria) native of Greece, Asia Minor, Syria and Iran. The excrescences are formed from the attack and deposit of eggs of female gall-wasp (Cynips gallae tinctoriae) on young twigs, leaves and buds. The galls are imported in India for medicinal use.

Quercus infectoria is a deciduous, semi-evergreen small tree or shrub with elliptical, glabrescent and up to 4 cm long leaves on drooping branches. It grows up to 6 feet at a medium rate. It is mainly found in low lands and mountain valleys. It requires moist soil. The tree bears monoecious flowers (either male or female flowers on same tree). Flowers are in axillary fascicles, pedicels filiform. Fruits are baccate and 8 mm in diameter. They become black while ripening. Root is cylindrical, branched and shows fibrous fracture, 6-10 cm long and 4-8 mm in thickness.

Botanically, Manjakani (also called Majuphal) is Quercus Infectoria. It is also known with names like GALL TREE, GALL OAK, MASIKAI, MAGIC NUT and ALEPPO OAK. In ayurvedic medicine, it is very important medicinal plant, which is useful for its astringent action. It helps in diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, uterine prolapse, rectal prolapse, irritable bowel syndrome, and for tightening the loose or sagging tissues.

Chronic Diarrhea with Mucus Discharge
Manjakani powder is used for chronic diarrhea. Along with Dalchini (Cinnamon), it reduces mucus discharge, stool stickiness and frequency of bowel movement. Alone Manjakani powder is also effective when undigested food particles are found in the stool. In such case, it can be taken in the dosage of 1 gram with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Rectal Prolapse in Children after Severe Diarrhea
Manjakani (Majuphal) decoction should be used to wash the lower section of the large intestine. A cotton cloth should be dipped in the Majuphal decoction and kept on the affected part. Manjakani powder paste can also be applied on the affected part.

Uterine Prolapse
Manjakani is effective in 1st and 2nd degree prolapse.

Leucorrhea & Vaginitis
The astringent action of Manjakani reduces inflammation and inhibits the growth of microbes, which helps reducing discharge due to vaginitis or leucorrhea. Internally, 1-gram Manjakani powder with 500 mg Godanti Bhasma is considered best treatment for leucorrhea.

Externally, washing genitals with Manjakani decoction is beneficial.

The tooth powder made of Manjakani, Black Salt, Neem powder and Babul bark powder is beneficial for pyorrhea. It fights of gum infections, reduces gum bleeding and discharge, prevent gum problems.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends Downy Oak to stop heavy menstrual bleeding, to treat dry and itchy vaginal skin and for dental inflammation.

Downy Oak contains tannic acid (gallo-tannic acid) as the principal constituent. Tannic and gallic acids extracted from the tree are often used to regularize bowel movements during dysentery and diarrhea.

Useful in leucorrhoea and other vaginal discharges and in profuse menstruation. Also useful in diarrhoea, dysentery, gleet and long standing gonorrhoea. It is also used as a gargle to treat sore throats, stomatitis and tonsillitis.

Therapeutic uses of Majuphal / Mazoo / Nut Gall / Oak Gall
Majuphal is used in treatment of internal hemorrhages, diarrhea, gonorrhea, leucorrhoea and other vaginal discharges, to restore postpartum uterine elasticity and to stimulate the contraction of vaginal muscles. Externally it is applied on prolapses of rectum, relaxed, hemorrhoids, etc.

Gall powder is especially used in treatment of dental and oral problems. It is used as an ingredient in dental formulation (such as Gum Tone Charak) for treating gum problems, strengthening gums and teeth.

Anal fissure, vaginal laxity, anus prolapse, piles
Finely powdered gall (1 part) and Vaseline (4-6 parts) are mixed and applied topically.

Chronic diarrhea
In chronic diarrhea, 1 gram of powdered gall is taken, thrice daily with little cinnamon powder.
In advanced stage, the decoction is given in dose of 30-60 ml, thrice daily.

The powder of gall is taken 2-3 times a day in dose of 1-2 grams.

Decoction of galls is used to wash the vaginal area.

Oral problems, nasal catarrh, sore throat
Due to high tannic acid content, the decoction / infusion is used as gargle in oral problems.

Once the stomach is emptied, the decoction of galls is given in dose of 50-100 ml.

Piles, dysentery, diarrhea
Dry powder is taken in dose of 500mg to 1 gram with honey.

Prolapse of rectum
The decoction of galls is used as an enema. Or keep a pad soaked in decoction on anal area.
For making decoction, boil 5-10 grams of bruised galls in half liter water for 10-15 minutes.

Sore throat, Tonsils
Gargle with decoction of galls added with alum.

The galls are boiled, crushed and applied externally on affected body part.

The gall powder is dusted on wounds.

Side Effects of Majuphal / Oak Gall
Galls are high in Tannins. In large doses, tannic acid can cause stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, and liver damage.
It is better to avoid use of Oak gall during pregnancy.
Do not use if suffering from kidney or liver disorders.
Do not use continuously or in high quantities.
It can reduce the effectiveness of digestive enzymes.
It affects absorption of iron.
It aggravates Vata Dosha.

It causes constipation.

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