Jul 23, 2017

Salasabuni - Sakthi Saranai

Botanical Name: Trianthema decandra
Common Name: Horse purslane
Sanskrit: Varshabhu, Dvijayangi, Laghupatra
Hindi: Salasabuni, Sabuni, Vishakhapara , Lal-sabuni, Santhi, Gadabani
Tamil: Sakthi Saranai, Vellai charanai, Charanai, Chathicharanai
Malayalam: Velutha thazhuthama
Bengali: Sabuni
Kannada: Bilikomme, Gaija soppu
Marathi: Tultuli
Oriya: Puruni saga
Telugu: Tellagalijeru

Trianthema decandra is annual, prostrate, succulent, glabrous herb with slightly branched, long, angular stems and internodes 2.5- 9.5 cm long, occurring as a weed all over peninsular India. It is an annual herb found growing as a weed in rainy season. As it appears from the ground on occurrence of rain and hence named as Varshabhu in Sanskrit.

The whole plant of Trianthema decandra is edible and used medicinally. The roots are aperient (mild purgative or laxative) and is useful in hepatitis and asthma. It is given with milk for orchitis (inflammation of one or both of the testicles). The juice of the leaf is dropped into the nostrils to relieve migraine.

Varshabhu is used in India for treatment of variety of ailments. It is used as a single drug in form of dried powder or decoction for jaundice, liver diseases, anemia, cough, headaches, epilepsy, odema etc.  As the whole plant possess diuretic indicated in anasarca, cystitis in case of dribbling of urine, in dropsy, edema and ascites.  Decoction of plant is given for fever, rheumatism, and as an antidote for alcohol poisoning.

For Abdominal gas
The leaves are boiled and given.

For Cathartic
The roots are used.

For Epilepsy
Snuff of plant is used.

For Headache, migraine, hemicrania
The juice of leaves is dropped in each nostril.

To regularising periods
The decoction of leaves is given.

For Rheumatism, edema
The decoction of plant is used.

For Ulcers, itching, poor eyesight and night blindness
The root paste is applied.

Other Uses
Whole plant is eaten as a vegetable.

Warnings of side effects
It is hot in nature, so should be used with caution in summer and by hot temperament individuals and menstruating women. Avoid during pregnancy.

It has diuretic and laxative action. In larger doses, it causes vomiting.

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