Jul 11, 2017

Talish Patra - Talisapatri

Botanical Name: Abies Webbiana
Common Name: Himalayan Siver, Indian Silver Fir
Sanskrit: Patradhyam, Talisa, Talisapatra, Dhatriparni, Dhatripatra तालीसपत्र, तालीस, धात्रीपत्र
Hindi: Talish Patra तालीसपतर
Tamil: Talisapatri, Thalispatra, Thaleesapatri
Assamese: Talish
Bengali: Talish Pala, Taleesh Patra बर्मि
Gujarati: Talish Patra
Kannada: Tales Patra, Talisapathra, Shukodara
Malayalam: Talisapatra, Taleesapatri
Marathi:  Laghu Taleespatra
Oriya: Talis
Telugu: Taleesapatri
Urdu: Zarnab

Abies webbiana is a tall, evergreen fir tree with thick, spreading, horizontal branches. It reaches height of about 60 meters. It is a coniferous tree found in Himalayas at high altitude of 2800-10000 feet. It is most common at higher range of Himalaya. The dark-brown cones appear in October-November.  The wood of the tree is used in constructional work.

Abies webbiana leaves are single, spirally, arranged all-round the branchlets, flat, narrow, linear, one to three inches long, with narrow short terete petiole. The flowers are monoecious, either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant. The pollination of flower is done by Wind. It prefers moist soil and grows well in heavy clay soils. It can be grown in shade or sun.

Talispatra (Abies webbiana) Health benefits
The leaves of the tree are used for medicinal purpose. The leaves can be used fresh, dried, as tincture, infusion or confection. They are mainly indicated in infections of upper and lower respiratory tract. The leaves powder along with Vasaka leaf juice and honey is given to treat asthma, cough, and blood vomiting. Externally the leaves are used in rheumatic and neuralgic pains.

In Ayurveda, it consists of dried needle like leaves of Abies webbiana. It has sweet, bitter and pungent taste and hot in potency. It is mainly indicated in respiratory disorders, phthisis and excessive phlegm. It is good for heart, improves appetite and balances Vata and Kapha.

The leaf powder  of Abies webbiana or Talispatra is indicated in Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Fever, Gas, Headache, Hemoptysis, Hoarseness, Neuralgia and Phthisis.

The leaf powder is taken in dose of 2-3 grams to improve appetite.

Cough, hoarseness of voice, fever, congestion
2-3 grams of leaf powder is mixed with equal amount of Mishri / Rock candy. Mishri consist of big white, sweet lumps of crystals. It has demulcent and cooling properties.

Fever, Headache
The leaf powder is taken in dose of 2-3 grams. The leaves are applied topically.

Contraindications and Side Effects (Talispatra / Himalayan Fir)
It is hot in potency. It should be used cautiously in pitta prakriti people.
It has antifertility effect. Avoid taking in ulcers, acidity, burning sensation, and ulcerative colitis. Excess use can cause vomiting, faintness, convulsions and many other side effects. Always take in recommended amounts.

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