Jul 20, 2017

Hadjod - Pirandai

Botanical Name: Cissus Quadrangularis
Sanskrit: Asthisamharaka, Asthisamhari, Vajravalli
Hindi: Hadjod, Hadjora
Bengali: Hasjora, Harbhanga
Tamil: Pirandai, Perandai
Malayalam: Changalamparanta
Marathi: Kandvel, Chaudhari
Punjabi: Haddjor
Oriya: Hadbhanga, Hadasinkuda
Gujarati: Vedhari
Telugu: Nalleru, Gudametige
Assamese: Harjora
Kannada: Mangaravalli

Hadjod or Cissus quadrangular is a perennial climber of the grape family. This plant is distributed throughout India particularly in tropical regions. It is commonly known as Veldt Grape or Devil’s Back bone. Cissus quadrangularis is an indigenous medicinal plant of India. The Sanskrit word asthisamharaka literally means that which saves the bones from their destruction. The use of this plant by the common folk for promoting fracture healing process is an old practice. In Ayurveda, its use is mentioned for weight management and quick healing in case of bone fracture.

The other medicinal uses of Hadjoda are treating digestive disorders, asthma, indigestion, skin diseases and irregular menstruation. It is also useful in obesity management and complications of metabolic disorders. Hadjod or Cissus quadrangular has potent fracture healing property. Hadjod or Cissus Quadrangularis plant is non-toxic and does not produce toxicity to internal organs.

It is also used as a body building supplement. In North eastern states of India, its stem is used as a vegetable.

In Siddha system of medicine, it is used for healing bone fracture, piles, as an anti aging herb

Traditional Medicinal uses of Hadjod or Cissus quadrangularis
The stem of Hadjod or Cissus quadrangularis is used for the treatment of gastritis, bone fractures, skin infections, constipations, eye diseases, piles, anaemia, asthma, irregular menstruation, burns and wounds.

The stem juice is useful in scurvy and in irregular menstruation. The stem paste boiled in lime water is given in asthma.

The powder of dried shoot is useful in digestive problems.

Stem paste is useful for muscular pains, burns, wounds, bites of poisonous insects and sores.

In case of bone fracture, the stem is fried in oil and applies on the site of fracture before application of splint/cast.

Hadjod or Bone Setter has proven ability to join broken bones. Studies haves shown that, the presence of vitamins and anabolic steroid, which may act on estrogenic receptors of the bone.  The plant helps in early ossification and remodelling of bones. The oral intake of plant helps in quick healing of fracture by stimulation of metabolism and increased uptake of the minerals calcium, sulphur and strontium by the osteoblasts in fractured bone.

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