Jul 2, 2017

Gudari - Ponnanganni

Botanical name: Alternanthera sessilis
Family: Amaranthaceae (Amaranth family)
Common Name: Dwarf Copperleaf, Sessile Joyweed
Hindi: Gudari 
Manipuri: Phakchet
Marathi: Kanchari
Tamil: Ponnanganni
Malayalam: Ponnankannikkira
Telugu: Ponnaganti Koora
Kannada: Honagonne
Oriya: Madaranga, Matsagandha, Salincha Saaga
Konkani: Koypa
Sanskrit: Matsyagandha, Bahli, Matsyaduni, Gandali, Gartkalambuka, Lonika
Bengali: Sanchesak, Salincha Sak
Gujrati: Jalajambo, Pani ki Bhaji

Alternanthera sessilis is a small prostrate or ascending herb with several spreading branches. It is found growing throughout the warmer parts of India preferably in wet places especially around tanks and ponds. It is a vegetable of medicinal importance. In Ayurveda, this plant is known as Matsyaakshi and Ponnonkanni keerai in Siddha. Its common folk name in India is Gudari Saag.

Health benefits and home remedies:
Alternanthera sessilis is an important ingredient of several compounds of ayurvedic preparations. The plant is used throughout Asia and Africa to treat a variety of disorders, including gastrointestinal problems, such as flatulence, nausea and vomiting, headaches, bronchitis, asthma, vertigo and even hepatitis. It is considered to be one of those drugs which prevents and cures chronic diseases and rejuvenates the body. It is used all over Asia and Africa as a natural home remedy, to treat a variety of disorders. It also has health benefits for lactating mothers.

Whole plant of Ponnanganni is used both internally and externally.

External uses
The topical application of leaf paste is used for drawing foreign object such as spines, stings from the body.

The leaves powder is also applied externally on snakebites.

Fresh leaves are applied over eyes for styes (Inflammation of one or more sebaceous glands of an eyelid), conjunctivitis and chronic inflammation of the eyelid.

Internal uses
The whole plant is used for increasing breast milk, promoting bile flow, inducing abortion, and for curing fever.

The soup prepared from fresh plant is helpful in increasing breast milk and toning up of liver.

Fresh leaves juice (1 tablespoon) mixed with garlic clove is folk remedy for asthma, chronic cough, and intermittent fever.

For spermatorrhoea (Involuntary discharge of semen without orgasm), the leaf juice (1 tablespoon) is mixed with coriander leaf juice (1 teaspoon) and wood apple leaf juice (1 teaspoon). This is taken with milk every night for 2 months. 

For sexual debility, grated coconut and leaves (1:10) are fried in ghee and eaten with rice or roti.

For bleeding piles, two tablespoon leaf juice of Alternanthera sessilis is mixed with radish leaf juice (2 tablespoon) and given 2-3 times a day for one month.

The herb Alternanthera sessilis is an excellant coolant. It is considered to have immense health benfits for the eyes, hair and skin. 

It is also a home remedy for piles. The young shoots are nutritious and contain carotenoids, triterpene, saponins, and flavonoids. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Tests conducted in India show that it has anti-ulcerative properties. 

It it is also said to neutralize excessive acidity in the body. (Home remedies for acidity) It treats skin conditions like scabies and eczema.

In India, in the states of Bengal and Bihar, root extract of this herb is used as a natural remedy for serious eye diseases such as cataract, hazy vision, burning eyes, watery eyes and myopia. Other ailments for which this herb is prescribed in folk medicine is for body heat, joint pain, leucorrhoea, liver diseases, loss of appetite and piles. 

Alternanthera sessilis home remedies:

Regular consumption of Alternanthera sessilis powder is also said to improve eyesight. Night blindness can be cured by regular consumption.

Mix two ounces of the juice or powder of this plant with 4 ounces of goat or cow’s milk. This mixture helps in building strength and vitality.

Boil together about a litre of fresh ponnanganni juice with 250ml of sesame seed oil. Once the juice is absorbed into the oil, reduce the mixture to about 250 ml, Cool and strain. Massaging this oil to the head gives good eyesight and memory.

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