Jun 16, 2017

Uttaran - Uthamani (a) Veliparuthi

Botanical Name: Pergularia Daemia
Family: Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed family)
Synonyms: Asclepias daemia, Daemia extensa, Cynanchum extensum
Common Name: Trellis-Vine , Hariknot plant, Dog’s bane whitelow plant
Tamil: Uthamani,Veliparuthi
Sanskrit: Uttamarani, Phala antaka, Kurutakah, Visanika, Kakajangha
Hindi: Uttaran, Sadorani, Utaran
Bengali: Chagalbati, Ajashringi
Gujarati: Chamardudhi
Marathi: Utarn
Oriya: Utrali, Uturdi
Malayalam: Veliparithi
Telugu: Juttu paku, Dushtupu chettu, Jittupaku, gurtichettu
Kannada: Hala Koratige, Juttuve, Talavaranaballi, Bileehatthi balli
Punjab: Karial, silai, trotu

Pergularia daemia is a perennial twining herb, foul-smelling when bruised; Stems bears milky juice and covered with longer stiff erect hairs 1mm; Leaves are thin, broadly ovate and heart-shaped 2-12 cm long, covered with soft hairs; Greenish yellow or dull white, sweet-scented flowers born in axillary, double white corona at the base of a stamina column, long-peduncled, umbellate or corymbose clusters tinged with purple; Fruits paired with follicles 5.8 cm long and 1 cm in diameter, reflexed, beak long, covered with soft spinous outgrowth and release many seeds with long white hairs when they split open. Seeds are densely velvety on both sides. The entire plant constitutes the drug and is used as a medicine.  Veliparuthi plant also commonly called uthamani in Tamil and is called Utran in Hindi and Trellis-Vine in English. It's a creeper and its botanical name is pergularia Daemia.

The plant is distributed in the tropical and sub tropical areas, growing wildly along the road sides of Tamilnadu state in India. It is very commonly found in an altitude of about 1000m in Himalayas and 900 m in Southern India.

This plant is well known in village side and we use it extensively in home remedies. The best way to identify the plant is with it's unique fruits and heart shaped leaves. Usually it is found along the road side and that is why it is commonly called veli paruthi.  It smells bad when bruised and stems produce milky latex when broken. Each and every part of this plant is used as a medicine including the latex. It reduces blood sugar levels, treats jaundice and minor wounds and the best part is extensive studies have been done to prove the effectiveness of most of it's medicinal uses. Since it is easily found along road sides, using the extract for treating insect bites are very common.

The leaves also can be collected, dried and stored for future use. An important study on veliparuthi was about it's amazing use in treating poly cystic ovarian syndrome which affects many women now. The study showed remarkable results when  1ml of veliparuthi leaf juice was administered for 6 consequential days and the researchers concluded that veliparuthi extract was highly effective in treating pcos. One study done on rats proved conclusively that veliparuthi infusion protects the liver of toxicity. It was also proven of it's effectiveness in treating toothache and also in a study done on rats showed significant antihyperglycemic activity (diabetic control). Velparuthi also showed significant antibacterial and anti fungal properties and along with it antioxidant properties too, making it very valuable for treating stress related diseases. Pregnant women and women who are planning for pregnancy should not consume this herb as it has anti fertility properties.

If you are suffering from pcos, try this remedy for a week. Collect fresh leaves and use approximately 5 grams of the leaves and grind it to a paste with water and consume it for a week in the early morning.  
Boil the leaves of uthamani plant in a cup of water. This extract treats asthma and all cold related problems like bronchitis. This decoction also treats urinary tract problems and also can be taken for severe stomach pain.

In ayurvedic system of medicine this plant is used for delayed child birth, amenorrhea, asthma, snake bite, rheumatic swellings and also to treat post-partum hemorrhage. The decoction of the plant (10-20 mL) is also applied on white spots (leucoderma). Leaf decoction is an uterine tonic and is taken orally up to 20 mL day-1. The stem and root bark extract is taken against fever and diarrhea in infants. The leaves are specially used as a condiment for soup and porridge yam. Fruits are digestive and thermogenic. Plant extract is useful in uterine and menstrual disorders and in facilitating parturition.

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