Jul 25, 2017

Bharangi - Siru theku

Botanical Name: Clerodendrum serratum
Common names: Bharangi, Kasaghni, Phajuka, Vtari, Beetle killer, Blue glory
Sanskrit: Bharangee, Bhramanayastika, Kharashakha, Padma, Kasajith, Barbura
Hindi: Bharangi
Tamil: Siru theku, Siru thekku
Malayalam: Cheru thekku
Bengali: Bamun hatee, Baman hatee, Bhumijam
Gujarati: Bharangee
Kannada: Gantubarangee
Oriya: Chinds
Punjabi: Bhadangee
Telugu: Canttubrarangee
Urdu: Bharangi

Bharngi (Clerodendrum serratum) is woody shrub which is native to tropical and warm temperate regions and found throughout India up to an altitude of 1500m. In Sanskrit meaning of Bharangee is glorious. Its tree has height of about 2 to 8 feet. Its root, stem and leaves are use for medicinal purpose. In India this plant is easily available in regions like Himalayan region, Bhopal, Bengal and Bihar. Red loam soils are best for the growth of this herb.

Bharangi is oldest herb used in ayurvedic system which is very famous for healthy respiratory system and to give good rhythm to voice. Its common names are glory bower, bag flower and bleeding heart. Leaves are used to increase appetite and also have expectoration activities. Its roots have liver protecting, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activities. In some part of India its root is used to treat Jaundice. Its flowers resemble to lotus. Bharangi was discovered by rishi "Bhrigu" thousands of years back.

In Ayurveda Bharangee is indicated for respiratory problems and used in preparation of various Ayurvedic drugs for curing the same. It has pungent, astringent in taste and hot in potency. It is useful in cough, breathlessness, wound, swelling, liver problems and neurological disorders. The decoction prepared from its leaves has bronchodilator activities.

Bharangi is not a toxic plant. Its leaves and flowers can be eaten in form of vegetable.

Common medicinal Benefits:
Decoction of leaves acts as bronchodilator and mucolytic in nature and it is used to break down phlegm and extra mucus and eases it out from body.

Paste of bharangi leaves are used in lymphadenopathy.

Root of this herb is used to treat jaundice and various disorders associated with liver.

It is helpful in the pacification of vata dosha and it is useful in rheumatic conditions, gout and joint pain.

Bharangi has anti-microbial properties and it is used in various worm infestations.

It act as appetizer and used to stimulate digestive fire.

Root paste of bharangi applied on forehead relieves headaches.

Decoction of this herb is used to cure cyst, raktagulam and uterine fibroids.

Paste of leaves are applied on wounds and ulcers to extract out extra pus and relieve burning sensation. It is also helpful in the quick healing of abscesses.

It is also used to cure abdominal tumors.

It has anti-inflammatory properties and used to reduce inflammation.

It pacifies vata and kapha roga.

Medicinal uses of Bharngi
Here are few remedies that can be done at home using Bharangi. These are based on its traditional use all across country

Asthma, bronchitis
Prepare decoction of its root and drink twice a day for three days to get relief from cough, asthma and bronchitis.

Liver problem
Prepare decoction of its root (1/2 teaspoon) and drink twice a day for three days to cure liver problems.

Prepare decoction of Bharangi panchang (all five part of plant) and take twice a day.

Headache, migraine
Grind roots of Bharangi and apply on forehead for few hours. This gives relief in headache.

For eye problems
Grind leaves of Bharangi and make poultice. Apply this poultice on eyes.

Thyroid problem, galgand rog (Mumps), goitre
Wash and dry roots of Bharangi. Grind to make powder. Take thus prepared churna (3 gm) with Trikatu churna (3 gm) twice a day with lukewarm powder.

Cyst, fibroid in uterus, raktagulm
Prepare decoction of Bharangi panchang (3gm), add few drops of mustard oil in water. Take twice a day.

Stomach problems

Prepare powder of its seed and take frequently in small doses.

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