Jun 11, 2017

Vaividang - Vaaivilangam

Botanical Name: Embelia ribes Burm. F
Family: Myrsinaceae
Sanskrit: Vidanga, Tandula, Krimighna
Hindi: Vaividang, Baibidang, Bhabhirang
Tamil: Vaaivilangam, Vaay Vilangam
Telugu: Vayu Vidangalu
Kannada: Vayu vilanga, vayu vidanga
Malayalam: Vijhala, Vayu vilangam
Bengali: Vidang, Bidang
Marathi: Bavidang
Punjabi: Bavidang
Gujarati: Bavadang

Embelia ribes is woody creeper shrub with brittle and flexible stem. It is medicinal plant also with terete branches also known as vai vidanga. Leaves are simple, alternate, ovate and sharp at both the ends. Length of leaves is 3 inch long and 1.5 inch broad. Flowers are small, white in color and have small petioles 3 to 4 inch in length. Fruits are small just like black pepper, reddish brown to black in color. Because of its appearance and nature it is also called false black pepper. Fruits are found in bunches. Outer covering of fruits is fragile and from inside seeds are spotted. Roots of this medicinal herb are brownish grey in color.

Vidanga is one of the powerful anti-parasitic herbs of Ayurveda. It is widely used against intestinal worm infestation. Its botanical name is Embelia ribes. It is called False black pepper, because it mimics pepper in appearance. It is distributed throughout India. It is also cultivated.

Part used:
Fruits, root

Usually when medicine is given for de-worming the intestines, it is associated with another laxative ingredient so as to ease the dead worms out of the intestines. But while administering Embelia ribes for the purpose of de-worming, an extra laxative is not required because Vidanga itself is a mild laxative.

The word Krumighna in Sanskrit does not suggest only towards intestinal worm. The word meaning also encompasses microbial infection as well. Hence Vidanga is an essential ingredient in many anti-microbial medicines.
It detoxifies blood, hence useful in wide range of skin diseases.
It has contraceptive effect, along with Pippali (long pepper)
Its water decoction is used for oil pulling to relieve dental caries and bad breath
In skin diseases, it is used both orally and externally in the form of paste.
It has mild diuretic action. Hence used in dysuria.
It is useful against vomiting, bloating, indigestion, gastritis and constipation.
It is widely used in weight loss treatment.

Uses Of Embelia Ribes
Vidanga is best herb used for worm infestation that includes roundworm, threadworm and tapeworms. It is used to kill all type of bacteria, virus and fungus. This herb is also very effective for infants that are suffering with worm infestation.

This herb is rejuvenating herb that provides good health and energy to body.

It also acts as blood cleanser and it is used to clear extra toxins that are circulating in human plasma and lymphatic system.

Vidanga powder is used for sufferers of piles and other ano-rectal disorders. It is also beneficial to cure obesity and benign tumors.

This herb is also beneficial for human nervous system and it is used to treat various disorders associated with nervous system like epilepsy and paralysis. It is also recommended for various dental ailments.

Fine powder of vidanga is used to reduce the excessive inflammation of nose.

Vidanga improves digestive fire and used to cure nausea, vomiting, flatulence and abdominal pain. Because of its laxative properties it is also very effective herb to treat constipation.

Its antifungal and antibacterial properties make this herb to treat various skin disorders. Fresh leaves and paste of leaves are used to improve skin complexion, skin pigmentation, eczema and other skin disorders.

It is used to treat snake bite poisoning.

Vidanga is used to cure chronic cough and it is also very effective for sufferers of tuberculosis.

Astringent leaves of this herb are used for the treatment of sore throats and ulcers of mouth.

Powder 3-5 g per day, in divided dose is the usual prescribed dose.
To relieve worm infestation it is given in a dose of 5 – 10 grams

Embelia ribes Side effects :
Because of its contraceptive effect, its long term usage should be done with care in cases of infertility. There are no known side effects with this herb. It is used in children and lactating mothers. But pregnant ladies should seek medical advice.

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