Jun 5, 2017

Bargad - Aalamaram

Botanical Name: Ficus benghalensis
Common Name: Banyan Tree, East Indian Fig Tree
Sanskrit: Vat Vriksha, Bahupada, Nyagrodha,
Tamil: Aalamaram
Hindi: Bargad, Barh, Vatavriksh
Bengali: Bot
Gujarati:  Vad, Vadlo, Vor  
Kannada: Aalada Mara
Malayalam:  Aala maram, Peraal
Marathi:  Vada, Wad, War
Oriya:  Bara Gacha
Telugu: Marrichettu
Urdu: Bargad

Ficus benghalensis belongs to the plant family Moraceae, the order Rosales, the Genus Ficus (as is indicated by the name) and the subgenus Urostigma.It is commonly known as the Banyan Tree in India. The Banyan Tree is famous all over India as the tree with aerial roots. It has a distinct trait where all its branches, after growing to a certain length, drop down to the ground, take roots again and then branch out again in different directions. This subsequently increases the growth of the tree indefinitely.
The leaves are shiny, smooth and oval in shape and quite leathery to touch. The fruits, as well as, the flowers of the plant are very small in size and mostly grow in clusters. The fruit of the Banyan tree, its leaves, as well as, its bark contain certain medicinal properties and are used for various purposes. The latex is also very widely used. The bark and the leaves come in handy in controlling bleeding or secretion and its latex has a very relieving effect on the skin as well as the mucus membrane. It lessens pain and swelling and also is rich in nutrition.



The leaves are used to relieve chronic diarrhea and dysentery.

The latex of the tree, when taken with milk, has a relieving effect on piles.

Medicines made using the roots of the tree help in relieving female sterility.

Washing the genital region regularly with a decoction of the parts of the tree helps in relieving Leucorrhea.

The latex, after being processed, can be taken to relieve Rheumatism.

The latex also has a relieving effect on Lumbago and other such diseases.

In case of vomiting or nausea, the latex of the tree can be consumed in the form of a juice. It provides a lot of relief.

One should clean their teeth using the roots of this tree. This helps in protecting the gums against all kinds of infections and also keeps the teeth exceptionally clean.

A paste made from the leaves can also be used as an application for relieving skin disorders and is known to have a very soothing effect.

15 Health benefits of Banyan tree:-

1. To Improve facial glow:
Take 5-6 fresh leaves of  Banyan and grind them with 10-20 gm of red pulse.Apply the paste on face. It cures all types of skin problems. Grind dried yellow leaves of Banyan, jasmine leaves, red sandalwood and koot in water.Apply this paste on face. It cures acne or patches on skin. Take yellow leaves and flowers of Banyan, liquorice root, lotus flower and saffron.Prepare a paste with water and apply on the face. It brings glow to the skin.

2. Cures Ear problems:
Take few drops of banyan milk and mix with mustard oil. Put 2-2 drops of this mixture in the ears.
It cures the boils and kills the worms.

3. Treatment for Hair problems:
Take 20-25 gm ash of its leaves and mix 100 ml linseed oil in it. Massage this oil on the head.
It cures baldness and help to grow new hair. Take extract of soft leaves and mix equal amount of mustard oil in it. Cook the oil till it forms medicated oil. Apply this oil on hairs. It cures all types of hair problems. Take equal quantities of Ariel root of Banyan and sesame seeds. Grind two into a fine powder and apply on head. After 30 minutes clean the head and apply coconut and bhringraj oil on head. It helps increase the hair length.

4. Treats Nasal bleeding:
Give 3 gm powder of its Ariel roots with buttermilk. It is the fast, instant and one of the best cure for Nasal bleeding.

5. Good for Tooth problems:
Take 10 gm bark of Banyan tree, 5 gm catechu and 2 gm black pepper. Grind them all to form a fine powder. Use this powder to brush the teeth. Apply the Banyan milk on aching tooth. It gives relief.
Soak a piece of cotton in the milk and apply on the cavity of aching tooth. It cures Halitosis and also aids in all kinds of tooth infections.

6. Treats Excessive Urination:
Grind the seeds of Banyan into a fine powder. Take 1-2 gm of this powder with cow’s milk twice a day. Continue this dosage.

7. Helpful cure in Diabetes:
Grind the bark and aerial roots of Banyan. Take 20 gm of its powder and cook them in 1/2 kg of water. Boil till it gets reduced to 1/8th. Cool the solution, strain and give it to the patient morning and evening. Continue this for 1 month. It is beneficial in curing Diabetes.

8. Treats Diarrhoea:
Take 6 gm buds of Banyan and boil in 100 ml water. Strain the solution and mix sugar candy in it.
Give this to the patient followed by buttermilk. It immediately cured Diarrhoea. Take 3 gm powder of bark and give it to the patient thrice a day with rice water. It gives immediate relief.

9. Treats Nausea:
Take 20 gm of its green leaves with 7 cloves. Grind them in water and strain te solution.
Give this to the patient.

10. Cure for Urinary disorders:
Take equal quantities of fine powder of fresh bark and sugar. Give 4 gm of this mixture to the patient with fresh water. Or, give 4 gm powder of aerial roots twice a day with fresh water. It cures urinary disorders and seminal weakness. Mix 10-20 gm powder of ripe fruits with sugar candy and give it with milk. It is nutritive and rich in minerals, thus a good cure for all types of Urinary disorders.

11. Treats Swelling of Eyes:
Take 10 ml of Banyan tree milk and 125 mg camphor  and 2 teaspoon of honey. Apply this mixture with an eye-liner. It cures corneal opacity.

12. Helpful in Severe ulcers:
Grind the soft leaves and buds with water and strain the solution. Add equal amount of sesame oil in the solution and cook it. Apply this oil 2-3 times a day on the ulcers. It cures the ulcers and swellings very fast.

13. Immediate cure for Burns:
Grind its buds or soft leaves with curd and apply on the burnt area. It brings immediate relief.

14. Treats Itching:
Grind 1/2 kg leaves and soak them i 4 litre water overnight. Next morning boil them till thee water gets 1 litre. Add 1/2 litre mustard oil in the water and cook till only the oil is left. Strain the solution and store it. Massage with this oil. It cures both dry and wet types of itching.

15. Helpful in Bleeding diathesis:

Grind 10-20 gm buds or leaves into a paste. Give this paste to the patient with honey and sugar mixed in it.

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