Jun 8, 2017

Peepal - Arasamaram

Botanical Name: Ficus religiosa L. Ficus religiosa    
Common Name: Peepal, holy fig tree, peepul, sacred fig tree
Sanskrit: Ashwattha Vriksha, pippala vriksha (vrksha means "tree")
Hindi: Peepal , पीपल, Pipal
Tamil: அரச மரம், Arasa maram (Literally "king" or "king's tree"; arasu or arasan in Tamil for "king")
Bengali: অশ্বথ, Ashwath, পিপুল,  Pipul, অশ্বত্থ Asbattha
Telugu: రావి చెట్టు Raavi chettu
Kannada: Arali mara, ಅರಳಿ ಮರ
Konkani: Pimpalla rook / jhadd
Malayalam: അരയാല്, Arayaal
Gujarati: પિપળો, Pipdo
Punjabi:  Pippal, ਪਿੱਪਲ/ پپل
Bhojpuri:  Pippar
Marathi:  पिंपळ, PimpaL (where L is as in for example Nagold)
Odia: ଅଶ୍ତ୍ଥ, Ashwatth
Urdu: Peepal پیپل
Assamese: আঁহত Ahot, পিপ্পল pippol
Bengali: অশ্বত্থ asbattha

Ficus religiosa or sacred fig is a species of fig native to the Indian subcontinent and Indochina. It belongs to the Moraceae, the fig or mulberry family. It is also known as the bodhi tree, pippala tree, peepul tree, peepal tree or ashwattha tree in India

Ficus religiosa is a large dry season-deciduous or semi-evergreen tree up to 30 metres tall and with a trunk diameter of up to 3 metres.  The leaves are cordate in shape with a distinctive extended drip tip; they are 10–17 centimetres long and 8–12 centimetres broad. The fruits are small figs 1–1.5 centimetres in diameter, green ripening to purple.

The leaves of this tree move continuously even when the air around is still and no perceptible wind is blowing. This phenomenon can be explained due to the long leaf stalk and the broad leaf structure. However, religious minded people in Hindu/Buddhist religion attribute this movement of the leaves to the fact that "devas" or "gods" reside on these leaves and make it move continuously.  It is worshipped all over India and is usually seen in temples. Siddhartha attained enlightenment and become Buddha under a Peepal tree. These trees live for long years. In Sri Lanka a Peepal tree which is more than 2000 years old exists. The bark of the tree is an important ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine.

Bark, seeds, fruits, latex and leaves of the tree are used for medicinal purposes.

The leaves are purgative and tonic. They are useful in constipation and jaundice. Their oral intake gives strength to heart and helps to control the palpitation. They are also given to treat feverish condition and arresting bleeding or secretion.

The bark of tree is sweet, cooling, astringent, aphrodisiac and used both externally and internally. The decoction of bark is useful in variety of diseases such as skin diseases, rheumatism, ulcers, and scabies. The dried bark is boiled in milk and taken as aphrodisiac.

Pipal fruits or figs are good for digestive system. The dried fig powder is given in case of asthma. Fruits are cooling, digestive, laxative and aphrodisiac. For asthma, dried and powdered fruits are taken with water for fifteen days.


Ficus is used in the traditional medicine to relieve about 50 types of disorders which include diarrhea, diabetes, epilepsy, inflammatory disorders, and gastric problems, sexual and infectious disorders.
The leaves and the bark are used for controlling dysentery and diarrhea.
The leaves are also used to relieve constipation.
For relieving boils and swollen salivary glands as in mumps, the leaves of the tree are coated with clarified butter and applied as a poultice.
The latex is used for relieving warts.
The powdered fruit is useful in asthma.
The bark of the tree has cooling, astringent, laxative and haemostatic properties.
It is useful in relieving diarrhea, diabetes, nervous disorders, menorrhagia, urogenital disorders. The bark is effective in relieving bone fractures, earache, glandular diseases, scabies, soreness in the mouth, and skin diseases.
A decoction or infusion of the bark along with a little honey is useful in relieving gonorrhea.
Freshly burnt ashes of the bark are mixed with water and allowed to steep for some time. This mixture is useful in relieving obstinate cases of hiccups and control vomiting.
Oil made from the root bark can be applied externally to relieve skin diseases like leprosy, eczema and also useful in relieving rheumatism.
The seeds of the tree have laxative, cooling and refrigerant properties.
Young shoots and leaves are purgative in nature.

Gout: Roots of the tree are effective in relieving gout problem. They are effective in reducing inflammation.
Constipation: Leaves can be used for relieving constipation problem.
Gum diseases: Roots of the tree are used for chewing to prevent gum diseases.
Wounds and bruises: A paste of the leaves can be directly applied on boils, bruises and wounds. It works effectively in relieving them.
Swollen glands: The root of Peepal tree is used for relieving swollen lymphatic glands and neck problems.
Stomach upset: The fruit of the tree aids in healthy digestion. For relieving upset stomach, the powdered form of the fruit can be consumed along with a glass of milk.
Dehydration: Fresh fruit of peepal tree is useful in eliminating dehydration.
Skin diseases: The latex of the tree when used in combination with the juice of the roots is helpful in relieving a variety of skin diseases like ringworm, fungal diseases and athlete’s foot.

Bark of Peepal is useful not only in checking excess quantity of urine but also it helps to stabilize fetus and improves sexual power. Peepal acts as an ideal drug for infertility.

Benefits and uses of Peepal
Peepal tree or Ficus religiosa can be sued internally or externally.

External application of Peepal
Newly emerged leaves used as a paste improves to fair complexion of skin. In case of edema paste of Peepal tree bark with ghee helps a lot. Sprinkling of Peepal tree bark on bleeding helps to check blood loss. In case of pain in the body, application of Peepal tree milk gives relief.

Gargling with decoction of Peepal bark helps in checking mouth sore. Use of fine powder of Peepal tree bark as local application gives relief in fistula. When there are cracks in the feet, use of milk of Peepal tree gives relief. Application of Peepal tree ash is useful in breast abscess.

In case of piles applying paste of Neem and Peepal tree leaves gives relief. Application of ash of Peepal tree on chest region helps to check hiccup.

Internal application of Peepal
Paste of newly emerged leaves or bark is helpful in case of diarrhea. Decoction of Peepal tree is useful in gout.  Its regular use lowers serum uric acid level.
In case of impotency decoction of Peepal tree parts prepared in milk gives benefits.
Powder of Peepal fruits with haritaki or hard is useful in diabetes.
Juice of tender leaves of Peepal leaves with honey is useful in heart diseases.
Decoction of bark of tamarind and Peepal tree is useful when there is difficulty in menstruation.

Pipal tree releases oxygen 24 hours and does nocturnal fixation of atmospheric CO2. This makes it different from other plants as most of plants release oxygen during day time in presence of sunlight but release CO2 at night.

The 24 hour release of O2 is possible in Peepal as it has ability to perform Crassulacean acid metabolism or CAM (named after Crassulacean family of succulent plants). CAM is an ecological adaptation of photosynthesis done in some plants growing in limited availability of water or CO2 (such as arid condition, as epiphyte) and involves nocturnal CO2 fixation done to maximize CO2 uptake.

Below is given home remedies using various parts of Pipal tree. These remedies are time-tested, easy to do and does not pose any health risk.

Amoebiasis, dysentery
Young shoot tip ground and boiled in milk is given.

Aphrodisiac, small pox, mouth ulcers, rashes, urticaria, Night fall (nocturnal emission)
Decoction of bark is given. The fruits are cooked in milk and given to improve libido.

Mix equal part of fruit powder and bark powder. Intake of this powder gives relief in Asthma. Or Fruit powder is taken with honey. Or A decoction of the bark is administered in whooping cough and asthma. Or mix the powdered bark with rice pudding. Take it in the early morning.

Aphthous ulcers / Aphthous stomatitis
Aphthous ulcers is defines as condition of formation of benign and non-contagious mouth ulcers (aphthae) in otherwise healthy person. It is known as Munha Ke chhale in Hindi. For this condition, the powdered root-bark of tree is rubbed with honey on aphthous sores.

Abdominal pain
5-10 gm. of fine powder of tender leaves is taken twice a day with milk.

Boils, cut and burn
Its bark has great healing properties; you can apply paste of Peepal bark on boils, cut and burn to treat them. Or
For burns, boil crushed leaves in coconut oil and apply topically. Or The dried bark powder is dusted on burns.

Body pain
Dried leaf powder is mixed with water and taken orally to get relief from body pain.

Burning sensation, foul taste, thirst, biliousness, diseases of the heart
Eating ripe fruits is helpful.

Conception, infertility
Fruits of Peepal are full of nutrition. They can treat male and female infertility. Fruits can also be used by drying them and making powder. Or Bark decoction + Milk in equal amount, is taken during menstruation.

Fruits have laxative action and their intake give relief in constipation.

Dental Care
Doing toothbrush with fresh twigs of Peepal is very good for teeth and mouth. Or Bark decoction is used as gargle in toothache. Or The juice of the bark used as mouthwash strengthens gums and gives relief in toothache.

Tender leaf cooked in milk is given.

Fruits and bark are prescribed in diabetes.

Eye pain
Peepal leaf latex / milk can be applied in eyes.

Epistaxis, Nose bleed
In case of bleeding nose, put some drops of Peepal leaves juice. It will provide instant relief.

Gastro intestinal disorders
Bark decoction is given for three months.

Decoction of bark is given.

Improving breast milk
Tender shoot tips (20-25) are ground in milk and taken empty stomach in the morning.

Increases memory, to strengthen nervous system, as a brain tonic, in mental confusion
The powder of Pipal bark is taken with milk and sugar.

Boil 2–3 tender leaves in about 100 ml milk until the milk condenses. Add sugar according to taste and take.

In case of jaundice extract juice of 3-4 soft leaves. Mix this juice in water and add some refined sugar. Give this for 2 time a day for 4-5 days. Or Take bark of Pipal + Moringa Moringa oleifera, pound and get extract. Take this in dose of 2 ml, twice a day for one week.

Mix equal proportions of pulp of fruit and sugar. Take it orally along with milk.

Daily eat 4-20 fruits for one month.

The leaves and young shoots are used.

Bark decoction is given.

Apply the latex on the infected part topically.

Leaf cooked with rice is given.

Skin infections
The paste of tender roots or bark is applied topically.

Sexual weakness, weakness of nerves
The decoction of bark is used.

Sexual dysfunction 
(low sex drive, impotence, erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory problems)
Boil tender twigs (half kilogram) in water (4 liters) till the quantity of water is reduced to 500 ml. Cool and filter this decoction. Add sugar (2 kg). Take 30 g of this daily with milk, butter and sugar candy.

Boil bark in milk and taken. Or take young bud.

To promotes fertility in women
The powdered bark and fruits are taken with water.

Urinary disorders, vaginal discharges
The decoction of bark is administered. 10 gm of bark is boiled in half liter water and when it remains 1/4th it is filtered. This filtrate should be taken twice a day.

The root-bark of tree is sprinkled over unhealthy ulcers to improve their condition and promote granulation.

Uterine tonic, leucorrhoea 
The dried fruits are eaten.

Wounds and ulcers
The bark decoction is used to wash wounds and ulcers. Or Leaves are used to cover wounds. Or
Sprinkle fine powder of bark on wound.

Veterinary Uses
The fruits of tree are crushed and given to cattle in dose of 250 grams for improving chances of pregnancy.
The bark decoction is given to animal for expulsion of placenta after child birth. In case of dysuria and hematuria in buffalo, extract of about 5 kg leaves is given orally.

Dosage of Ficus religiosa
10-20 grams of bark is used in preparation of decoction. The decoction is prepared by, boiling 10 or 20 gm of bark in half liter water and when it remains 1/4th it is filtered. This filtrate should be taken twice a day.
5-10 grams of fruits can be eaten.
5-10 grams of tender leaves are taken for medicinal purpose.

Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects and Warnings
Pipal is not a toxic tree. It is safe to take Pipal in any form.

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