Jun 11, 2017

Kalijeeri - Kaattu Seeragam

Botanical Name: Centratherum Anthelminticum (Wild) Kuntze
Common Name: Vanyajiraka, Aranyajirakah, Kaalijiri,
Sanskrit: Somaraja, Atavi jeeraka
Hindi: Kalijeeri, Bakchi, Somraj, Soharaai, Bakchi, Bakshi
Tamil: Kaattu seeragam, Kaattu jeerakam
Bengali: Somaraaj
Gujarati: Kaaleejeeree, Kadavijeeree, Kadvo-jiri
Punjabi: Bukoki, Kakshama, Kala-zira, Kali-ziri, Malwa-bakchi, Malwabakshi
Kannada: Kadu-jirigay, Kaadujeerage, Kaarijirige, Kadu-jirage
Malayalam: Kaattu jeerakam , Krimishatru, Kattujirakam
Marathi: Kali Jiri
Telugu: Adavi Jilkara, Adavijilakaroa, Garetikamma

Centratherum anthelminticum (L.) Kuntze (Fam. Asteraceae) Synonym Vernonia anthelmintica, is found throughout India up to 1850 meter. It is naturally found in Himalaya hills. It is often cultivated for medicinal purpose.

It is a tall, robust, branched, glandular-pubescent annual plant reaching height of 2-3 feet. Leaves are membranous, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, coarsely serrate and 5-9 cm in length and 2.5-3.2 cm in breath. The leaves are covered with hairs. Inflorescence is many, subcorymbos and in cluster. Flower head bear 30-40 minute purplish flowers. Fruits of plant are called achenes. The seeds of plant are 3 to 5 mm long and 1 to 2 mm in diameter. They are blackish-brown to black in colour and taste bitter. The plant bear seeds in May to June.

In Ayurveda, Kalijiri is used in treatment of pain, asthma, gulma, hiccups, fever, cough, parasites, skin diseases, retention of urine, vitiation of blood, wound, eczema, and leucoderma.

Kalijiri is rich in medicinal properties. The understanding of these properties will help us to better utilize this herb. It has a good anthelmintic property and used for the treatment of various skin infections. It is used traditionally to cure skin diseases, asthma, kidney troubles, cough and to remove blood from liver.

Medicinal uses of Kalijiri
Kalijiri is specifically used in Ayurveda for treatment of skin diseases. It has anthelmintic action and used against threadworm, roundworm, earthworm and tapeworm. Topically, it is used to cure lice, inflammation and skin diseases.

Chronic skin disease, Psoriasis
Kalijiri seeds + black pepper / black sesame seeds are taken in equal amount and ground. The prepared powder is taken in dose of 4 gram daily, once a day in the morning with water after sweating by sun or exercise. This should be taken daily for one year.

Cough, Flatulence
The infusion of seeds is given.

Diuretic, tonic, stimulating gastric activity
Infusion of seed is used.

Expel fleas
The plant roasted in a room, or plant powder sprinkled in room is used to expel fleas.

Infective hepatitis
Powder of dried seeds is taken in dose of 1-3 grams empty stomach for five days.

Kalijiri powder 4 part + Peeli Hartaal 1 part, is ground to make paste in Gau mutra (Cow Urine) and applied topically on affected skin area.

Loss of appetite
Kalijiri seeds + Ajwain, are taken in equal amount and crushed. This s taken to cure loss of appetite.

The bruised seeds are ground into a paste and mixed with lime juice and applied.

The seed powder is taken with til seeds.

The seeds are used in treatment of malaria.

Paralysis of the legs
The paste of seeds is applied.

Round worms
The seed powder is taken with castor oil (laxative).

Skin Diseases
Take seeds of plant. Ground them to make powder.
Dosage of Centratherum anthelminticum
The seed powder is taken in dose of 1-3 grams.

Caution, Side effects, Warning

It is a very hot potency medicine. Do not use in pregnancy. Seeds show anti-implantation activity in rats. In excess, it is harmful for intestine. It can cause cramps in abdomen and vomiting. Internal intake should be taken carefully. If internal intake causes side-effects, then take Cow milk / fresh Amla juice.

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