May 27, 2017

Santra - Orange

Botanical Name: Citrus X Sinensis
Common Name: Orange
Sanskrit: Kaaling
Hindi: Santra,Narangi
Tamil: Orange,Kichilipazham
Malayalam: Madhura Naranga
Telugu: Kamala Pandu
Kannada: Kithilai
Bengali: Kamla Leboo
Gujarati: Santara
Marathi: Santre
Oriya: Kamala
Punjabi: Santra

Citrus sinensis, orange or sweet orange (to distinguish it from related species, such as sour orange, C. aurantium, and mandarin orange, C. reticulata), is a small tree in the Rutaceae (citrus family) that originated in southern China, where it has been cultivated for millennia. Oranges are now grown commercially worldwide in tropical, semi-tropical, and some warm temperate regions, and have become the most widely planted fruit tree in the world. Oranges are the world’s most popular fruit, and are eaten fresh and used for juice.

The orange tree is small, spiny tree, typically growing to 7.5 m (25 ft), but occasionally reaching heights up to 15 m (50 ft), generally with a compact crown. Leaves are leathery and evergreen, and range from elliptical to oblong to oval, 6.5-15 cm long and 2.5-9.5 cm wide, often with narrow wings on the petioles (leaf stems). The fragrant white flowers, produced singly or in cluster of up to 6, are around 5 cm wide, with 5 petals and 20 to 25 yellow stamens. The fruit, which may be globose to oval, is typically 6.5 to 9.5 cm wide, and ripens to orange or yellow. The fruit skin (rind or peel) contains numerous small oil glands. The flesh or pulp of the fruit is typically juicy and sweet, divided into 10 to 14 segments (although there are seedless varieties) and ranges in color from yellow to orange to red.

Orange Peel Powder is a rich source of Antioxidants and Vitamin C. It acts as a natural astringent to rejuvenate the skin, prevent signs of skin ageing like wrinkles, fine lines thereby making the skin healthy

Orange peels are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants.The orange peels even have a higher vitamin C content than the fleshy inside!

Let’s look at the beneficial nutrients in orange peels and the benefits they offer for skin:

Nutrient in Orange Peel Benefit for Skin
Vitamin C:  Protects skin from free radical damage. Keeps acne at bay and promotes a healthy skin glow.
Calcium: Helps in renewing worn-out cells and prevents DNA damage. Good for healing dry, flaky, and itchy skin.
Potassium: Hydrates dehydrated skin. Helps preserve moisture.
Magnesium: Prevents oxidative stress in skin cells, for youthful, glowing skin.

1.Orange Peel Face Mask for Blemish free Skin
With this simple blemish-removing face mask, you only need two other ingredients: honey and yogurt. These powerhouse ingredients are full of nutrients that provide nourishing benefits to skin. Honey, in particular, helps in evening out discolorations and blemishes on skin.

Check out the benefits of each additional ingredient in this face mask in the table below:

Honey: Is a powerful antibacterial and antiseptic agent. Slows down the aging process of skin by fighting off free radicals. Moisturizes skin.
Yogurt: Contains live cultures that kill acne-causing germs and bacteria. Hydrates and nourishes skin.

·         2 teaspoons orange peel powder
·         1 teaspoon organic honey
·         1 teaspoon yogurt
1.    Mix all the above ingredients in a small bowl.
2.    Apply a thick coat of the mixture onto your clean face. Let it sit for 15 minutes or until it dries out.
3.    When the time is up, rinse your face gently until all of the mixture is completely gone. Pat dry with a towel.
4.    If your face is dry after this mask, use a drop of coconut or olive oil as a natural moisturizer.

2. Say Good Bye to Acne with Orange Peel Powder Mask

Orange peel contains powerful properties that help keep annoying pimples away. Apply a thick coat of this zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and drive out the dirt, grime, excess oil, and bacteria, all of which cause pimples and blackheads to form on the skin surface.
This orange peel face mask contains three key ingredients, the benefits of which are listed here:

Oatmeal: Gently exfoliates and scrubs skin clean. Absorbs and eliminates impurities and dirt from the skin’s surface.
Baking soda: Deep-cleanses skin. (Make sure it is Baking Soda not Baking Powder)

·         2 teaspoons orange peel powder
·         1 teaspoon oatmeal
·         1 teaspoon baking soda
1.    Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl.
2.    Gradually add water until a thick paste is formed.
3.    Using clean fingertips, massage a thick coat of the mixture onto your face in a gentle circular motion. Let it sit for 15 minutes.
4.    Rinse your face with cold water and pat dry with a clean towel. Your skin will feel amazingly soft and look clean and moisturised. If your face is a little dry after the mask, especially in acne areas, simply use a drop of olive oil as a natural moisturizer.


3. Orange Peel Face Mask for Oily, Pimple-Prone Skin

Got very oily and acne-prone skin? Worry no more with this simple and cleansing orange peel face mask, which will leave your skin oil-free and moisturized at the same time! Orange peel is known to absorb excess oil or sebum from oily skin. This face mask also uses coconut oil, which works wonders in driving out the ‘bad’ acne-causing oil from deep within your skin pores.

This orange peel face mask contains two key ingredients, the benefits of which are listed here:

Coconut oil: Pushes out the excess sebum clogged in your pores. Hydrates and nourishes skin of all types including peeling, acne-prone skin.
Milk: Nourishes with vitamins and minerals. Leaves skin feeling soft.

·         2 teaspoons orange peel powder
·         1 teaspoon milk
·         1 teaspoon coconut oil
1.    In a small bowl, mix the above ingredients until a thick mixture is formed.
2.    Steam your face to open up your pores.
3.    Apply the mixture onto your face using clean finger tips in a circular motion. Let sit for 15 minutes. In this time, you can take a quick soak in the bath or read a chapter of that book you’ve been meaning to finish. Keep yourself relaxed.
4.    When the time elapses, gently and thoroughly rinse your face and pat it dry with a towel. Your face will have a wonderful glow and feel silky and soft!



Why Homemade Face Masks Are Better:

Homemade face masks are filled with nature's restorative goodness, in the form of the nutrients, minerals, acids, and oils explained in the tables above, without any of the chemicals that store-bought masks have to contain for an extended shelf life. Fruits are rich in AHAs and other micronutrients that nourish and heal the skin. When expensive skin creams claim to contain 'fruit compounds,' they usually only contain a fraction of the nutrients that are found in the fruit itself. Save yourself the money and the chemical damage and make your own homemade skin products.

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