May 28, 2017

Pipli - Thippili

Botanical Name: Piper Longum
Common Name: Long Pepper
Tamil: Thipili, Tipili, Thippili
Sanskrit: Pippali
Hindi: Pipli
Kannada: Hippali
Telugu: Pippallu
Bengali: Pipal
Malayalam: Tippali, Thippali
Punjabi: Maghaun
Bengali: Piplamor, Piplamul, Pipli
Gujarati: Piper, Pipli
Konkani: Hipli
Marathi: Pimpli
Urdu: Pipul
Oriya: Baihehi, Pippoli

‘Pippali’ is the term applied to the fruit of piper longum. This plant is indigenous to Northeastern & southern India and Ceylon and cultivated in Eastern Bengal.

The fruit is more useful and active when it is unripe. It is used after drying it under the sun / sunshade. The root is also the useful part and is called as “Pippali” in the classics.

Distribution and habitat
Piper longum occurs throughout the country extending upto 1,800 metres altitude especially in sub montane tracts. It occurs in the hotter parts of India, from central Himalayas to Assam, Khasi and Mikir hills, lower hills of West Bengal and evergreen forests of western ghats from Konkan to Kerala.

Flowering and fruiting time:-
Plant bears fruits during rainy season and fruiting after wards in Autumn months.

Health Benefits:
Long Pepper is also known as Piper Longum is very effective herb to enhance digestion, metabolism and assimilation of the food consumed.
Long Pepper is also used to make powerful Rasayana in Ayurveda and helps in detoxicating. It is also very useful in colds and cough.
Long pepper for obesity: Pippali is administered along with honey to treat obesity, Kapha imbalance disorders like cold, cough, asthma, fever. This combination improves digestion strength, acts as aphrodisiac
Long pepper for Asthma, anemia – Long pepper powder one part and jaggery two part is mixed and administered to relieve cough, asthma, anemia, cardiac disorders, anemia and intestinal worm infestation.
Pippali for tuberculosis: Long pepper is very useful to improve lung strength, because it is rejuvenative and anti aging, and because it improves appetite, it helps to avoid weight loss associated with tuberculosis and its treatment. It also helps to prevent liver damage that sometimes results from the medicines used in tuberculosis management.

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