Jul 31, 2013

Charati - Oridhazh Thamarai

Common Name: Hybanthus enneaspermus
Sanskrit: Charati
Ayurvedha Name: Sthalapadhma
Tamil: Oridhazh thamarai
English: Hybanthus
Telugu: Nilakobari
Malayalam: Orilai thamarai
Hindi: Ratna purush

Botanical name of Orithazh Thamarai is Hybanthus Enneaspermus which is a perennial herb or small shrub to 60 cm high. Leaves are linear to lance-like, 1-5 cm long, margins recurved to revolute, occasionally flat; stipules acuminate, 1-4 mm long. Pink-purple spade-shaped flowers occur solitary. Sepals 3-4 mm long. Lower petal broad spade-shaped, pink-purple, with deep purple veins. Also called in different names such as spade flower, pink ladies slipper, munbora, Ratan Purush and it comes under the family Violaceae.

Whole plant is used for Medicinal purposes which is dried in shade & powdered. The teaspoon of this powder is then mixed in milk and taken in the mornings and evenings. This strengthens the body and helps in regaining the lost vitality.Most youngsters due to the pent up sexual urge, ejaculate while asleep. Siddha regards semen as energy and loss of semen is said to weaken an individual. In such cases, the powder of this herb is mixed with honey and taken internally before going to bed. This is said to compensate the loss.

For people who have lost their sexual urge, the powder of this remedy is taken with milk for a mandalam (48 days). This is found to help them in regaining their lost vigour.

Thus oridazh thamarai is an excellent Siddha herb that helps one to regain the lost health.

Another usage includes that the root powder mixed with black pepper and drink to treat urinary disorders.
Leaf juice is mixed with goat’s milk to drink which cure bowel complaints and Fruit is used to treat scorpion sting.

Orithazh Thamarai Chooranam is an excellent Siddha medicine that helps to increase libido, improve the quality of semen and in woman enhances milk secretion.

The plant is reported to possess tonic, diuretic and demulcent properties. The leaves decoction mixed with oil used in preparing a cooling liniment for the headache.

In general, the plant Hybanthus Enneaspermus have been widely used for  stress related disorders.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

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