Jul 30, 2013

Bhumyamalaki - Keezhanelli

Botanical Name: Phyllanthus Amarus
Synonyms: Phyllanthus Niruri
Sanskrit: Bhumyamalaki
Hindi: Bhuiamla, Jaramla
Tamil: Keezha Nelli
Kannada: Nila Nelli
Malayalam: Keezha Nelli
Telugu: Nela Usiri

This is a very bitter tasting small shrub that literally means ‘the Amalaki of the earth’ as this very low lying shrub’s leaves resemble the pattern and shape of her somewhat grander celestial namesake.

Bhumi amalaki is a wonderful liver remedy that is also effective for clearing gall and bladder stones.

Energetics :
- Rasa (taste) : Bitter, astringent, sweet
- Virya (action) : Cooling
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect) : Sweet
- Guna (quality) : Dry, light

Actions :
Anti-viral, hepatoprotective, cholagogue, diuretic, lithagogue, alterative, immuno-regulator, anti-tussive, haemostatic. Increases the strength of the liver, Destroys skin diseases, Alleviates itching, Stops coughing

Indications :

LIVER: Its affinity for balancing ranjaka pitta treats viral hepatitis, chronic hepatitis and it acts as a cholagogue. It is also useful for clearing and preventing gallstones. Human clinical trials attest to the improvement in liver function and alleviation of hepatitis symptoms.

GIT: Its ability to clear aggravated pachaka pitta benefits digestive tract disorders with hyperacidity, inflammation and dysentery.

Skin: Used where the liver is the root of the skin inflammation. 4 It is also applied externally for skin heat, swelling and itching.

Immunity: May be of use in impaired immune disorders; especially viral conditions such as ME, HIV, flu, herpes.

Gynaecology: Used in menorrhagia from high pitta. It clears inflammatory heat from the lower abdomen and this reduces congestion, leucorrhoea and painful urination.

Urinary: It effectively clears stones and gravel for the urinary system. It may have a use in managing diabetes and reducing blood sugar levels.

Combinations :
- Manjishta, Bhringaraja, Kutki, Chiretta in liver disorders.
- Gurmar, Amalaki, Cardamom as part of a diabetic regime.
- Neem, Manjishta, Bakuchi, Turmeric for skin inflammations.
- Chiretta and Guduchi in conditions where the immune system is compromised.
- Manjishta, Gokshura in pelvic inflammatory disorders.

Contraindications :
- Not during pregnancy.

Dosage :
1 – 6g per day dried
1 teaspoon before breakfast mixed with hot water or milk.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

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