Aug 3, 2017

Kanghi - Thuthi

Botanical Name: Abutilon indicum
Common Name: Indian mallow, Country Mallow, Flowering Maples
Sanskrit: Atibala, Ghanta, Shita, Shitapushpa, Vikantaka, Vatyapushpika, Vrishyagandha
Tamil: Thuthi, Paniyarattuthi, Perunduthi
Hindi: Kanghi, Kakahi
Assamese: Jayavandha, Jayapateri
Bengali: পোটারী Potari ,Badela
Malayalam: Kurunthotti, Kurumthotti, Velluram, Pettaka
Marathi: Chakrabhendi, Petari, Mudra
Maharashtra: Peeli booti, karandi
Telugu: Tuturabenda , duvvena Kayalu
Oriya: Pedipidika
Punjabi: Kangi, Kangibooti
Rajasthan: Tara-Kanchi, Kanghi, Debi, Jhili, Itwari
Urdu: Kanghi, Kangahi, Kakahiya, Kakahi, Beejband surkh, siyah
Kannada: Shrimudrigida, Mudragida, Turube
Kashmiri: Kath

Indian mallow is a shrub with the circular-ovate or heart-shaped leaves with coarsely crenate-serrate margins. The plant can reach up to 1-2 m. The leaves are alternately arranged, and have long stalks and have velvety, soft, pale hairs on them. Seeds are kidney-shaped. The plant is a weed commonly found on disturbed land. Traditionally, all parts of this plant are used for medicinal purpose.

Atibala is used for medicinal purpose since ancient times. Atibala is aphrodisiac and nervine tonic. It is diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic. Atibala is used in inflammation, piles, gonorrhea, impotence, low libido, infertility, sperm loss, debility and as an immune stimulant.

Acharya Charak gave extract of whole plant for fever, weakness and joint problems. It was used as Rasayan to promote health and keep diseases at distance. It treats wounds, ulcers and vaginal infections. Root and bark are used as aphrodisiac, anti-diabetic, nervine tonic, and diuretic. They have diuretic and anthelmintic properties. The roots reduces fever, nerves weakness and helps in urinary problems. They are given for neurological disorders (hemiplegia, facial paralysis, sciatica) and debility.

Leaves are astringent and stop Bleeding and are helpful in bleeding piles, diarrhea etc.

Seeds are very nutritive and strengthening. They are aphrodisiac, emollient and demulcent. They contain about 30 % protein of good quality. They are used for treating impotency, loss of semen (spermatorrhoea) and low libido. The seeds are also used in urinary disorders, as a laxative in piles and in the treatment of cough.

Important Formulations
Atibala is generally as used an ingredient in preparation of Ayurvedic medicated oil used externally for massaging in Vata diseases (diseases due to Vata dosha) such as gout, rheumatism, facial palsy, paraplegia etc.

Important Medicinal Benefits

1. Root extract is taken orally twice a day for two weeks to cure piles.
2. Atibala Abutilon indicum leaves + Makoi (Solanum nigrum) leaves + kali mirch (Piper nigrum seeds), are ground and paste is taken in dose of 5 grams for 2 weeks.
3. Leaves paste of Atibala is taken in dose of 5 grams for one month.

Paste of leaves prepared with mustard oil applied externally.

Toothache and tender gums:
As mouthwash decoction of leaves is used.

Juice of the leaves prepared into an ointment is applied.

Urinary problems, strangury and hematuria:
The roots of plant are used due to diuretic activities.

Vaginal infections, wounds and ulcers:
Decoction of leaves is used.

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