Jan 4, 2016

Shivanimba - Sivanaarvembu

Botanical Name: Indigofera Aspalathoides

Sanskrit: Shivanimba, Ajara, Ajara nili, Ajura, Ajura nili, Manaveli.

English: Wiry Indigo

Telugu: Neeli, Nela Vempali

Tamil: Sivanaarvembu, Iraivanvembu

Malayalam: Manali

Kannada: Shivamalli-gida

Description & usage

Commonly present in South India, mostly growing on waste and barren lands. It is a small herb. Sivanarvembu is a herb that has anti cancerous properties, hence is a medicine for deadly cancers like carcinoma and sarcoma. The leaves of this plant help to treat all kinds of skin diseases and acts as a blood purifier. It protects the liver and stimulates its function and is a cure for jaundice and Hepatitis. Sivanar Vembu relieves any inflammation, pain and lowers our blood sugar level. This herb's roots are a natural remedy for tooth ache, gum swelling and all types of ulcer, especially mouth ulcer. Preparation of Sivanar Vembu's leaves and roots can be externally used to heal skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, ringworm and skin allergy.

How to Use:  
The plant Indigofera aspalathoides which is well known as 'Sivanar vembu' is widely used for skin diseases.  Leaves, flowers and tender shoots are employed in decoction as a cooling and demulcent drink and in elephantiasis, leprosy and cancer, and as an alternative in secondary syphilis etc. Root is chewed for toothache and aphthae. The whole plant with butter is applied to reduce oedematous tumours.

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