Jan 1, 2015

Paripushkara - Musumusukkai

Botanical Name: Cucumis Maderaspatanus (Syn. Mukia Maderaspatana)
Common Name: Bristly Bryony, Madras pea pumpkin, Rough bryony
Sanskrit: Paripushkara
Hindi: Aganaki
Tamil: Musumusukkai
Telugu: Musumusukaya
Malayalam: Chitrati, Mukkalpiram
Kannada: Chitrati
Marathi: Bilavi
Gujarati: Tindori
Bengali: Bilari

An annual sparse climber that spreads over vegetation. Symmetrical ovate leaves, angularly shallowly to deeply 3-5 lobed, are 3-9 cm long. Flowers yellow 1 cm across. Pea-sized fruits are green, turning to orange and then red, as they mature. Flowering: April-October.

Medicinal Benefits:
The plant has expectorant properties and is prescribed against chronic diseases with cough as a predominant symptom. The root of the plant, when masticated, relieves toothache; a decoction of the root is given in flatulence. The tender shoots and bitter leaves are used as gentle aperients and prescribed in vitiligo and biliousness. A decoction of seed is considered sudorific.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

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