Dec 1, 2015

Polygala elongata - Periyanangai

Botanical Name: Polygala elongata
Tamil Name: Periyanangai, Periyanankai

Malayalam: Periyanka, പെരിയങ്ക

Narrow-Leaved Milkwort is a small annual herb, growing up to 15-40 cm tall. Fresh roots are aromatic. Branches are slender and hairless. Alternately arranged leaves are stalkless, linear-oblong, 2-4 cm long, blunt-tipped with narrow point at the tip. Yellow flowers arise in racemes, 6-20 cm long, in leaf axils. Flowers are shaped somewhat like pea flowers. Capsule is oblong, unequal sided. Flowering: August-September

Aug 25, 2015

Kumari - Katrazhai

Botanical Name: Aloe Vera Barbadensis, Aloe Vera Chinensis,
Family Name: Liliaceae
Sanskrit: Kumari
Hindi: Gheekuwar
English: Indian Aloe
Telugu: Kalabanda
Kannada: Lolisara, Lolesara
Malayalam: Kumari, Kattar Vazha
Tamil: Kathaazhai, Katrazhai
Bengali: Ghrita Kumari

Description: Mature plant, they are succulent plants with perennial, strong and fibrous roots and numerous, persistent, fleshy leaves, proceeding from the upper part of the root, narrow, tapering, thick and fleshy, usually edges are serrated with spiny teeth

Seeds: Angular

Flowers: The flowers are produced in erect, terminal spikes. There is no calyx, the corolla is tubular, divided into six narrow segments at the mouth and of a red, yellow or purplish colour. The capsules contain numerous angular seeds.

Habitat: Grows mainly in the dry regions of Asia, Africa, Europe and America.
Distribution- cultivated throughout India.
Effect on Tridosha – Balances all the three Doshas.
Part Used- Leaves
Dosage- Fresh juice 10-20 ml, Leaf pulp – 1 – 3 grams

Aloe vera is called as Kumari in Sanskrit. Kumari refers to a young girl. This name has two derivations.

1) It is used in diseases of young girls, like pimples in teenage and menstrual problems.
2) The plant is beautiful and looks young even after it grows old

Aloevera Actions: 

Normalizes Kapha & Pitta, a very good aphrodisiac, diuretic, sooths skin, and anti inflammatory widely used in conditions of sun burn, dry skin conditions, burns, scars

Aloevera Home remedies:

The leaf pulp 2-4gms is effective remedy in Dysmenorrhea.This Should be administered with sugar on empty stomach once a day, for three days prior to the expected date of menstruation.

Kamala (infective hepatitis) the mucilage with curd is a very effective medicine. This can be given single dose 3-5 days. If the patient develops loose motions can with drawn for a day or two and if needed can be continued for another course of 3-5days.

Medicinal Benefits of the Herb:
So as to enhance digestion, the pulp extracted from the leaves of the herb may be taken orally preferably with some Saindhav salt added to it on an empty stomach first time in the morning.

The fresh juice extracted from Aloe vera when taken in a dose of ten to twenty ml two or three times in a day is a good cure for relieving acidity.

After keeping the pulp of Aloe vera in a container for some time, the juice would separate from the same. This may be taken three or four times in a day as an effective home remedy for urine infection.

Aloe vera aids in regulating the menstrual flow in females. Therefore a number of medicines are prepared with Aloe vera as the main ingredient.

Having the property of blood purification, the herb of Aloe vera is also beneficial in healing wounds, oedema, pain, inflammation and other skin diseases. Both external as well as internal use is recommended.

Aloe vera aids as natural supportive therapy for maladies of constipation and haemmorhides. Regular use of Aloe vera proves beneficial in both ailments. Kumariasav is generally prescribed by Ayurveda physicians and makes effective natural cure.

The juice extracted from the pulp of the herb can be applied on the skin in case of burns and it provides both soothing as well as healing benefits.

Nowadays a number of cosmetics contain Aloe vera as the primary constituent. In Ayurvedic texts it has been said that the fresh juice applied on the face can result into fairness and loss of blemishes.

Aloe vera is also regarded as a Rasayana i.e. that which strengthens the immune system of the body and keeps the disease away

Its mild laxative action and wound healing properties, regular intake of mild doses of aloe vera in the form of aloe powder or juice, is very beneficial in haemorrhoids treatment.

Aloe has blood thinning action. It is very useful against cholesterol. So, it is very useful in treating atherosclerosis (blood vessels clogged with clot and fat deposition).

Aloe vera improves ovulation chances, it induces menstruation, hence used in treating amenorrhea – absence of periods or decreased bleeding.

It improves hair quality, prevents hair fall, cures dandruff, also useful in acne and blemishes.

To relieve constipation, its 10 grams of pulp made into paste, added with 2 grams of rock salt, mixed well, and boiled to evaporate water content. It is administered in a dose of 3 – 6 grams, once a day.

Aloe vera side effects:
Aloe vera induces purgation and hence it is not ideal to take it during diarrhea. Care should be exercised while using aloe in children and during lactation. It is best to avoid it during pregnancy.

Aloe vera leaf is heated on burning charcoal, cuticle is removed and pulp is scraped and squeezed in cloth to get the juice. One teaspoon of this juice is added with two drops of ghee and 4 drops of honey and licked hourly to relieve the attack of breathlessness and wheezing

Aloe vera for diabetes:Five phytosterols of aloe vera have been identified with anti-diabetic activity (research). Aloe vera has been clinically proven for anti diabetic property. It is a good anti oxidant and it maintains healthy structure of the blood vessels. – Both these are very vital in diabetic care.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

Aug 1, 2015

Triphala - Thribala


Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula consisting of equal parts of three myrobalans, taken without seed: Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki.

1) Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)

2) Vibhitaki (Terminalia Bellirica)

3) Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)

• Constipation
Triphala is considered one of the best colon cleansers and is highly recommended for constipation. It also detoxifies the body and has gained popularity as a mild laxative. It keeps the digestive system healthy and clean.

• Improves Liver function
Triphala has various liver and blood nutritional properties. It improves the functioning of the liver and keeps it healthy.

• Anti-oxidant
Triphala is enriched with vitamin C. It contains powerful anti-oxidant agents that help in improving and easing the functioning of cells. It reduces the production of free radicals responsible for aging.

• Worms & Infections
Triphala works well in suppressing infections and worm infestation. It also helps to maintain the proper conditions in our bodies that is highly toxic for growth of worms.

• Skin problems
Intake of triphala powder on a regular basis helps to keep your skin clean and healthy. It is quite effective in avoiding acne and wrinkles because of it’s blood purifying properties. It helps to remove all the toxins from the body.

• Cancer
As per a study conducted in JNU, India, it is revealed that triphala has anti-cancerous activities. It is helpful in reducing the spindle formations at the mitotic phase thereby reducing the risk of metastasis of cancer cells.

• Diabetes
Triphala powder is useful in treating diabetes mellitus. It also helps in stimulating the pancreas. The pancreas secretes insulin which is responsible for maintaining proper glucose levels in the body.

• Obesity
Triphala powder is highly recommended for people suffering from obesity. It helps to cut extra fat in your body and also targets the adipose cells which are responsible for fat in your body.

• Improves Digestion
Taking triphala every night improves the digestive system. It helps to digest the food without any stress and also keeps our system fit. It is considered good for your overall well being.

• Anemia
Triphala helps increase red blood cells which helps treat anemia.

How to use it for constipation? 

Tip #1: If you are constipated take two teaspoons of triphala churna, add it to one glass (200 ml) of warm water, mix it well and drink this solution every night, just before bed. Do not eat anything after having this solution. You may drink water 30 minutes after having it.

Triphala when had in this form is a good laxative and will provide relief the next morning. The best part about using triphala as a laxative is that it does not make you dependant on it, unlike other laxatives.

How to use it for detoxification?

Tip #2: If you are simply feeling very bloated and are not able to clear your bowels regualry, triphala churna is great for detoxifying the body, especially the stomach.

Take two teaspoons of triphala and add 200 ml of warm water to it. Now crush a small piece of ginger and add it to the solution. Let this soak over night or atleast for eight hours. After that boil this solution till it reduces to half its original quantity. Strain the liquid. Add the juice of half a lemon to it and drink it when it is warm.

Have this solution every morning on an empty stomach, for one week. This mixture will help clean out your colon and detoxify the body.

May 25, 2015

Brahmi - Vallarai

Botanical name: Centella asiatica
Synonyms: Centella hirtella, Hydrocotyle asiatica, Hydrocotyle reniformis

Common Name: Gotu Kola
Sanskrit: Mandukaparni, Brahmi
Hindi: Brahma manduki, Brahmi
Malayalam: Kodangal
Tamil: Vallarai
Telugu: Saraswataku, Sarasvathy Aku
Bengali: Thulkudi
Marathi: Karinga, Karivana
Kannada: Vondelaga, Ondelaga soppu
Assamese: Bor-mani-muni
Gujarathi: Khanda Brahmi


Gotu Kola is an ancient Indian herb, used both for culinary and therapeutic purposes. It is called as Mandukaparni in Sanskrit. But it is also used in the name of Brahmi. It belongs to Apiaceae family. Botanical name is Centella asiatica.

Centella asiatica is a small creeping herb with shovel shaped leaves emerging alternately in clusters at the stem nodes. The runners lie along the ground and the inch long leaves with their scalloped edges rise above on long reddish petioles. The insignificant greenish- to pinkish-white flowers are borne in dense umbels (clusters in which all the flower stalks arise from the same point) on separate stems in the summer. The seeds are pumpkin-shaped nutlets 0.1-0.2 in long. In India it is revered as a medicinal herb, and particularly in Manipur the full plant is eaten as food like a leafy vegetable. Indian Pennywort appears to have originated in the wetlands of Asia. China, India, and Malaya were probably within its original range.

Sanskrit Synonyms:
Mandukaparni – leaves resemble shape of frog
Manduki – available in moist places, similar to frogs

Sarasvati – found in watery – moist places, improves intelligence.

Medicinal uses:

The leaf and root extract has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for a long time but has become very popular in the past couple of years for both internal use as well as topical application - although the cosmetic application is relatively new. In Ayurvedic practice it also has a valuable and sought-after Vayasthapana effect - helping to retard the aging process

An excellent herb for rejuvenating and restoring cerebral function. One of the great meditator herbs. High in satva. Its prabhava is to optimise brain function.

Centella asiatica has been used in India and the islands of the Indian Ocean for centuries as a tonic and medicinal remedy. It was believed to increase longevity and improve energy. Anciently, it was used to treat leprosy, calm the nerves, increase mental and physical power, to stimulate and rejuvenate the brain, to prevent nervous disorders, mental fatigue and senility.

Centella asiatica is considered to be one of the best herbal substance that works to put the body into balance or normality. To be in balance means to work properly and to be in a healthy state.

It has been used for many different ailments including nervous disorders, deficient mental function, memory problems. It works by cleansing and purifying the blood by neutralizing acids and helps the body defend itself against toxins. It was also found to help improve and overcome the negative effects associated with stress and fatigue.

Contraindications :
Large doses can be narcotic. Caution in pregnancy.

Morning and evening 1 teaspoon mixed with warm water before food.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

Apr 29, 2015

Kali Musli - Nilappanai

Botanical Name: Curculigo Orchioides Gaertner
Family name: Amaryllidacae

English: Black musale,
Sanskrit: Talmuli,Bhumitila, arshoghni, Musikaparni, Talpatrika
Hindi: Kali musli, Krishna musli, Muslikand, Syahmusali
Tamil: Nilappanai
Malayalam: Nelappana
Bengali: Taalmuli, Talusa
Gujarati: Kali musali,
Kannada: Neltal, Nelatale
Marathi: Kali musali, Bhuimaddi
Oriya: Talamuli
Punjabi: Syah musali, Musali safed
Telugu: Nel tadigadda


It is a perennial herb about 30 cm in height with a short or elongated root stock bearing several fleshy and lateral root which are blackish brown externally and cream internally.

Drug occurs in transversely cut pieces of 2.5-5cm long, cylindrical, straight to slightly curved, cut surface 1.0 to 4.5 cm in diameter; external surface blackish-brown, cut surface cream colored; surface with numerous shallow wrinkles and transverse cracks; With a few rootlets and root scars; nodes and internodes prominent; taste, mucilaginous and slightly bitter.


Leaves are simple 15-45 cm long crowded on the short stem, sessile or short petiolate with sheathing leaf base and often produce adventitious buds at the tip when in contact with soil.

Flowers are bright yellow distichously the upper few are male flower which are smaller in size, while the lower once are bigger and may be hermaphrodite or female.

Fruit is capsule, oblong glabrescent with a slender beak ans spongy septa, 1.5-2cm long 8mm broad; Seeds 8, globose, 1-2mm, black, beaked, deeply grooved in wavy lines

A decoction of the powdered rhizomes is used in China as a general tonic and analeptic in the treatment of decline (especially of physical strength), lumbago, arthritis, chronic nephritis, hypertension and as an emmenagogue. In the Philippines, Nepal, Thailand and India, the rhizome is used as diuretic and aphrodisiac, and to cure skin diseases (externally), peptic ulcers, piles, gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, asthma, jaundice, diarrhoea and headache. In Papua New Guinea, the rhizome and leaves serve as contraceptive while in India, it is used to induce abortion and to produce flour.

Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. Is an endangered rasayana herb which is popularly known as "Kali Musli". The plant is native to India, and holds a special position as a potent adaptogen and aphrodisiac in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is an important ingredient of many Ayurvedic preparations and is considered to have aphrodisiac, immunostimulant, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, anticancer and antidiabetic activities.

Medicinal Uses

- For lumbago, weak kidney, neurasthenia, urine retention, chronic nephritis, impotency, bed-wetting.

- Hypertension among women at late ages, chronic arthritis.

- Weakening of the knees and lumbar regions, numbness of the 4 limbs, rheumatic arthritis.

- Given with milk and sugar for gonorrhea, leucorrhea, and menstrual derangements.

- In Ayurveda, increases kapha and reduces vata and pitta; used for treatment of piles, asthma, gonorrhea, biliousness, fatigue and blood disorders. Also considered a sexual tonic.

- In Unani, used for bronchitis, ophthalmic, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, lumbago, joint pains.

- In India, Pakistan and China, tuberous roots have been used for cancer, jaundice, asthma, wound healing. Rhizome juice extract has been used as tonic to overcome impotence.

- In India, plant rhizome has been used as an aphrodisiac.

Medicinal Uses in Various system of medicine

1. It was first introduced in ‘Charak Samhita’ of ‘Agnivesha’, the epic treatise of the medicine school of thought of the Hindu system of medicine and narrated as an ingredient of a cigar to alleviate cough.

2. According to Bhavaprakash the drug is sweet, bitter, acts as an aphrodisiac.

3. In Raj Nighantu it has been described as sweet, cooling, mucilaginous, incrases Kapha and reduces Pitta daha (burning sensation), acts as stimulant, gives strength.

4. Musali prepared as a paste with goat’s milk or honey and applied locally over the face, brightens the complexion of the face.

5. Roots are prescribed usually combined with bitters and aromatics in the form of electuary, the dose being one teaspoonful twice a day.

6. The drug is given with warm milk and sugar in dises of two drachms in gonorrhea, dysuria, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea and menstrual derangements

7. Juice of plant is applied on cuts and wounds (like tincture of iodine) and is considered as an effective anti-infective and healing agent

8. In most Ayurvedic formulations the plant is used as a substitute to “safed musli”

9. Rhizomes are prescribed in treatment of piles, jaundice, asthma, diarrhoea, and gonorrhea. The plant also holds the reputation of being a demulcent, diuretic, tonic and aphrodisiac.

10. Two tea spoon of dried tuber mixed with one cup of milk is taken internally twice a day for one week against leucorrhoea.

Take 5grams powder morning and evening after food mixed with warm milk.

Apr 19, 2015

Sabja Seeds - Sabja Vidhai (Sweet Basil Seeds)

Sabja Seeds - Sabja Vidhai (Sweet Basil Seeds)

Sabja seeds closely resemble chia seeds and in India it is also called as falooda or tukmaria seeds. The seeds are not from holy basil but from sweet basil and we call it "Sabja Vidhai" in Tamil and Kamakasturi seeds in Kannada. The seeds are rich in fiber and has amazing health benefits.  

Sweet basil seeds or sabja seeds are one of the under estimated ingredient in indian cooking. Not many people use these seeds despite they have many health benefits. India is blessed with many herbs and spices but many times we don’t give them their due, unless they are supported by big brands.
Basil seeds are different from chia seeds. In India people know about sabja as they are added to a popular drink falooda. The sweet basil seeds do resemble the chia seeds and is known by the names sabja seeds or falooda seeds or tukmaria in India. they are basically the seeds of the sweet basil. 

Sabja seeds are most commonly used in making falooda and can be easily added to sherbets, milkshakes and other drinks. if you ever had a falooda then you would have tasted the basil seeds. although these sweet basil seeds do not have taste of their own but they give a good texture to the dish and make it healthy too. To use, take the sabja seeds in a cup and pour water till the seeds are completely immersed. Let it soak for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the sabja seeds would have soaked up the water and would have swollen up to twice its size and a translucent gelatin like coating is formed around them. Strain the left over water and now the sabja seeds can be added to any dessert. then use these soaked seeds in drinks, coolers, sherbets, Jigarthanda, Ice creams, Falooda or Kulfis. It can also be added to chilled milk along with little rose syrup and rose petal jam to make an easy and healthy drinks. This drink is very filling, very tasty and has wonderful health benefits.

Sweet basil seeds have many health benefits:

1. They are cooling and thats why they are added to many cooling drinks like falooda, rooh afza, nimbu pani and sherbets.

2. Good for sore throats, cold and respiratory disorders.

3. Helps in digestion and cure constipation.

4. They have calming effect and can uplift your mood.

Amazing health benefits of Sabja/ Tukmaria/ Sweet basil seeds

1. Sabja seeds for weight loss:
Though there is no scientific research to prove that tukmaria/ sweet basil seeds aids in weight loss, the sabja seeds are full of fiber, so you don’t feel craving for food. If you are looking for foods to include in your weight loss plan, sabja seeds will be a great addition.

2. Sabja seeds for body heat:
Usually sabja seeds are consumed during the summer time, as it is one of the best body coolant. This is also one reason that street vendors who sell sabja seeds based dishes close their shops during the winter time and reopen it only during the next summer. The addition of rose petal jam along with sabja seeds also help to cool the body.

3. Sabja seeds for diabetes:
Sabja seeds are said to be very effective for people with type 2 diabetes as sabja seeds help regulate blood sugar. If you are diabetic and want to consume sabja seeds, after soaking it in water, mix it with plain cold milk and add a few drops of pure vanilla. You have a wonderful healthy drink minus the sugar. You can also add it to other non dairy milk like almond milk or soy milk too.

4. Sabja seeds for constipation:
If you suffered from constipation, then adding sabja seeds to your diet will help you with the problem. Take sabja seeds along with milk before bed, try taking it regularly for few days to see results.

5. Sabja seeds for acidity:
Sabja seeds has soothing effect on the stomach. If you suffered from stomach burn or acidity, a cup of this sabja milk will do wonders. Substitute it for your cola and coffee for a few days and you will notice a nice difference. Try to take it along with the rose petal jam, as even rose petal jam helps in treating stomach burn.

6. Sabja seeds for skin:
Sabja seeds when mixed together with coconut oil are very effective for treating skin related problems. To make the oil, first crush the seeds without soaking it in water. Heat coconut oil in a pan and add the seeds and remove from flame. Strain and use for eczema, psoriasis and other skin related problems.

7. For healthy skin & hair:

Sabja seeds are very high in vitamins, especially vitamin K which is must for skin and hair health. It is also very high in protein and iron.  A small cup of this sabja seeds will almost satisfy your daily requirement of iron and protein. 

Mar 22, 2015

Bamboo Rice - Moongil Rice

Bamboo Rice (Moongil Rice)

Bamboo rice is collected from the seeds of flowered bamboos. With resemblance to paddy rice and wheat-like taste, bamboo rice is comparatively much richer in protein. It is pungent, sweet, strong, and nutritious.

Nature keeps all the best hidden treasures deep inside her. From the heart of nature, rare and exquisite bamboo seed rice is gathered from wild jungle bamboos which are the tallest of herb grasses grown in tropical rain forests. These seeds are collected by the tribal residing inside the forest with great hardships.

Bamboo seed rice is the grain obtained from the Bamboo tree which is the tallest herbs in tropical forest. Some species of bamboos only flower once in 40-60 years and often die after flowering. They compensate by releasing huge amounts of flowers and seeds, one of many mechanisms that nature employs to ensure the survival of certain species. A hundred grams of bamboo seeds contains 60.36 gram of carbohydrate and 265.6 calorie of energy. Because flowering is such an infrequent event for bamboo trees, thus the tree packs it’s seeds with the bests, maximum energy, fuel and much more hidden medicinal aspects. Someway a perfect bestowal to its next generation.

Bamboo rice is not commonly available due to the reason that it takes many years for an aged plant to flower, which cannot be predicted, as it may vary from few years to 100 years for a bamboo plant to flower.

Bamboo Rice Health Benefits:

1. Low in Calories

2. Lowers cholesterol levels

3. Improves digestion

4. High levels of Potassium

5. Good source of vitamin B6

Medicinal Benefits:

1) Controls Joints pain, back pain and rheumatic pain.

2) Increases sexual ability and immunity power. Also known as Wild viagra.

3) Controls sugar, cholesterol and Blood pressure.

4) Good for Pregnant women to overcome vitamin deficiency.

5) Bamboo Rice boiled water can be given as soup to patient for quick recovery.

How to cook:

It can be cooked the same way as white rice.

Note: On the day of consuming bamboo rice avoid taking potato.

Mar 20, 2015

Tulsi - Tulasi

Botanical Name: Ocimum Sanctum
Common Name: Holy Basil, African Basil
Sanskrit Name: Tulsi, Tulasi, Vishnu priya, Surasa

Ocimum tenuiflorum:  Also known as Ocimum sanctum, Holy basil, or tulasī, is an aromatic plant in the family Lamiaceae which is native throughout the Eastern World tropics and widespread as a cultivated plant. It is an erect, much branched subshrub, 30–60 cm tall with hairy stems and simple opposite green or purple leaves that are strongly scented. Leaves have petioles and are ovate, up to 5 cm long, usually slightly toothed. The flowers are purplish in elongate racemes in close whorls. The two main morphotypes cultivated in India and Nepal are green-leaved (Sri or Lakshmi tulasi) and purple-leaved (Krishna tulasi).

Tulsi is a well-known sacred plant of the Indian subcontinent. It promotes awareness.
Certain Indian scientists are at the threshold of finalizing their discovery of a reliable medicine against cancer out of Tulsi plant. It helps to overcome the feelings of excessive heat (fever) and has a strong anti - cancerous property. More research is being done in the use of Tulsi leaves, oil and extracts for a large number of medicinal uses and as an organic insecticide.

As its Latin name implies it is considered a very sacred plant. It is high in sattwa, the quality of lightness and spiritual clarity. The tea is often combined with honey to aid its decongesting properties. It is externally used as a poultice for fungal infections and boils. The root and seed are also used- the root in fevers and the seeds as a demulcent.

Part used : Leaves mainly, root, seeds

Medicinal Benefits:

Tulsi clears kapha and mucus from the lungs and upper respiratory tract. 
It is also used in fevers and 'flu to encourage sweating and therefore bring the temperature down. Used in asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis and other respiratory allergies Tulsi specifically increases prana and the vital life-force. Its pungency and penetrating nature clears the dampness and toxic ama that can cause chest infections and fevers. Its prabhava or special power is to be used in all fevers regardless of their " cause ".

Gastro Intestinal Tract: 
Helps to move Vata through the intestines and calms a fermentive digestive tract. It moves apanavayu downwards. It also increases the appetite and is a good aromatic stimulant to the digestion.

Used as a mild nervine for hightening awareness and mental clarity. A tea of the leaves is also used for tension headaches from high vata and for congestion headaches from excess kapha.

Holy basil is generally a very safe healing herb. Studies suggested that holy basil might have an anti-fertility effect in animals. Although this has not been scientifically proven, if you are pregnant or trying to conceive, do not take medicinal doses of holy basil.

Dosage : 
5Gram or 1 teaspoon on empty stomach in the morning mixed with hot water or honey

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

Feb 5, 2015

Dhaval - Maruthampattai

Botanical Name: Terminalia Arjuna 
Common Name: Arjuna, Arjuna myrobalan, White Marudah, White Murdh
Sanskrit: Dhaval - because of its whitish or grey bark.
Hindi: Arjan, Arjun, Arjuna,  Kahua, Kahu, Koha
Gujarati: Arjun-Sadada, Sadado
Marathi: Arjun Sadada, Sadura
Oriya: Arjun, Sahajo
Assamese: Orjun
Punjabi: Arjuna
Bengali: Arjun, Arjhan
Kannada: Maddi, Tora matti
Tamil: Marutham pattai, Vellamatta, Vellamatta Marutae
Telugu: Tellamaddi, Yerra maddi

Other Names:
Amandier Indien, Amandier Tropical, Arjan des Indes, Arjuna, Axjun Argun, Badamier, Badamier Géant, Baheda, Bahera, Bala Harade, Balera, Behada, Beleric Myrobalan, Belleric Myrobalan, Belliric Myrobalan, Bhibitaki, Bibhitak, Bibitaki, Carambole Marron, Chebulic Myrobalan, Hara, Harad, Harada, Haritaki, He Zi, Hirala, Indian Almond, Kalidruma, Karshaphala, Myrobalan, Myrobolan Bellirique, Myrobolan Chébule, Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia chebulic, Tropical Almond, Vibhitaki.

Terminalia arjuna - This cardio-friendly, cardiac tonic and cardiac stimulant, anti-hypertensive, anti-ischemic heart is useful in a variety of heart diseases. Find the different names, medicinal parts, constituents, ayurvedic qualities, herbal formulations and other general information about this ayurvedic herb.

Parts Used: Bark

Ayurvedic Properties:
Qualities : Light, dry
Taste : Astringent
Vipaka : Pungent
Virya or Active principle : Cooling

In Ayurveda Arjuna or Terminalia Arjuna is regarded as an important cardio tonic herb. Arjuna regarded as the sacred trees of India. In Ayurvedic formation it has been used since ancient times.

Terminalia Arjuna is used in the treatment of angina, coronary artery disease, heart failure and edema it is an important herb. In heart related illness it has effectively shown its worth. Arjuna contains the antioxidant properties similar to the Vitamin E so it helps in maintaining the cholesterol level at the normal rate.
Arjuna strengths the heart muscles also and maintains the heart functioning properly.

The usase and benefits of Arjuna or Terminalia Arjuna:

- Terminilia Arjuna contains prostaglandin enhancing and coronary threat modulating properties.

- Terminalia Arjuna promotes effective cardiac performance by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels properly.

- In cases of liver cirrhosis, Terminalia Arjuna possesses diuretic and a general tonic outcome.

- It reduces the effects of stress and nervousness on the heart.

- It relieves hypertension or High blood pressure also supports normal heart function, heart muscle energy, platelet function, and blood pressure levels and acts as a natural tune-up for the heart.  Terminilia Arjuna also improves functioning of cardiac muscle.

- Arjuna's numerous therapeutic cardiac benefits are well known. It provides a significant cardiac protection in heart attack. Due to its excellent curing power it can be applied locally on burned area.

- It helps in clot formations so it has been used in wounds and injuries to prevent blood loss.

- It is seen that Terminilia Arjuna is very effective in tubercular cough by stopping blood in cough and healing the ruptured arteries in lungs.

- Terminalia Arjuna maintains normal urine flow and helps in suppressing painful micturation.

- Arjuna reduces angina episodes much better than nitroglycerin. Arjuna has been shown to help reverse hardening of the arteries.

Composition :
Terminalia Arjuna's bark in powder.

Dosage :
1/2 teaspoon one or twice daily mixed with honey or warm water after meals.


Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

Jan 2, 2015

Siddhartha - Venkadugu

Botanical Name: Sinapis Alba
Common Name: White Mustard
Sanskrit: Siddhartha
Hindi: Safed rai
Malayalam: Vellakadugu
Tamil: Venkadugu
Telugu: Avalu

White mustard seeds are hard round seeds, usually around 1.0 to 1.5 mm (0.039 to 0.059 in) in diameter, with a color ranging from beige or yellow to light brown. They can be used whole for pickling or toasted for use in dishes. When ground and mixed with other ingredients, a paste or more standard condiment can be produced.

Medicinal use: 
White mustard seeds are considered to be analgesic, carminative, expectorant and stimulant. Traditionally, they have been applied in cases of digestive complaints. An infusion of the seeds is useful in treatment of chronic bronchitis, rheumatism, muscular and skeletal pains (it stimulates circulation in the pain area). 
People take white mustard for “clearing the voice,” preventing infection, causing vomiting, increasing urine flow (as a diuretic) to relieve water retention, and increasing the appetite. Some people apply white mustard directly to the affected area for cough and colds, chest congestion, bronchitis, swollen joints, arthritis-like pain (rheumatism), osteoarthritis, back pain (lumbago), and sore mouth and throat. It is sometimes used in a bath to treat paralysis.

Preventing infection.
Causing vomiting.
Increasing urine flow (as a diuretic) to relieve water retention.
Increasing the appetite.

Coughs and colds.
Arthritis-like pain (rheumatism).
Swelling (inflammation) of the mouth, throat, and joints.

Other conditions.
White mustard is safe when consumed as food. But there is not enough scientific information available to know if it is safe when used as a medicine that is taken by mouth or applied to the skin.
Applying white mustard to the skin for an extended period of time can cause burns, blisters, and ulcers.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It’s UNSAFE to use white mustard in medicinal amounts if you are pregnant. There is some evidence it might start your menstrual period and cause a miscarriage.

Jan 1, 2015

Tila - Ellu

Botanical Name: Sesamum Indicum
Sanskrit: Tila
Hindi: Safed Til, Gingli
Assamese: Tisi
Bengali: Til
Gujarathi: Tal
Kannada: Ellu
Malayalam: Ellu
Tamil: Ellu
Telugu: Tillu

Sesame seeds are small. The size, form and colours vary with the thousands of varieties now known. Typically, the seeds are about 3 to 4 mm long by 2 mm wide and 1 mm thick. The seeds are ovate, slightly flattened and somewhat thinner at the eye of the seed (hilum) than at the opposite end. The weight of the seeds is between 20 and 40 milligrams.

Sesame seeds come in many colours depending on the cultivar harvested. The most traded variety of sesame is off-white coloured. Other common colours are buff, tan, gold, brown, reddish, gray and black.

The benefits of sesame are not just culinary but this nutrient dense condiment is good for our bodies as well. Sesame seeds include a combination of vitamins and minerals which make it one of the healthiest foods in the world. There are several varieties of sesame seeds depending upon the type of cultivar such as white, black and brown seeds. White sesame seeds have higher iron content than black ones and are mostly used as ingredients in food or in the form of oil.

High Protein Vegetarian Diet:
Sesame seeds are a good source of dietary protein with high quality amino acids making up 20% of the seed. Thus, they are perfect to form part of a high protein vegetarian diet. Just sprinkle them over your salads, subzis and noodles.

Prevents Diabetes:
Sesame seeds contain magnesium and other nutrients that have been shown to combat diabetes. Usage of sesame seed oil as the sole edible oil has been found to be effective in lowering blood pressure and plasma glucose in hypersensitive diabetics.

Cures Anemia:
Sesame seeds, particularly the black ones are rich in iron. Hence, they are highly recommended for those suffering from anemia and weakness

Cardiovascular Health:
Sesame seeds are high in monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid which helps in lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol in the body. This prevents the risk of coronary artery disease and strokes

Digestive Health:
Sesame seeds support a healthy digestive system and colon as they are rich in fiber. This high fiber content helps to smooth the functioning of the intestine, thus facilitating waste disposal and relieving constipation.

Bone Health:
Sesame seeds contain zinc which boosts bone mineral density as well as bone health. Deficiency of this mineral can cause osteoporosis in the hip and spine area. Sesame seeds are a great source of calcium, a trace mineral that is vital to bone health.

Nullify the Effects of Alcohol:
Sesame seeds help the liver to decompose the harmful effects of alcohol as well as other substances that generates poisoning in the body.

Paripushkara - Musumusukkai

Botanical Name: Cucumis Maderaspatanus (Syn. Mukia Maderaspatana)
Common Name: Bristly Bryony, Madras pea pumpkin, Rough bryony
Sanskrit: Paripushkara
Hindi: Aganaki
Tamil: Musumusukkai
Telugu: Musumusukaya
Malayalam: Chitrati, Mukkalpiram
Kannada: Chitrati
Marathi: Bilavi
Gujarati: Tindori
Bengali: Bilari

An annual sparse climber that spreads over vegetation. Symmetrical ovate leaves, angularly shallowly to deeply 3-5 lobed, are 3-9 cm long. Flowers yellow 1 cm across. Pea-sized fruits are green, turning to orange and then red, as they mature. Flowering: April-October.

Medicinal Benefits:
The plant has expectorant properties and is prescribed against chronic diseases with cough as a predominant symptom. The root of the plant, when masticated, relieves toothache; a decoction of the root is given in flatulence. The tender shoots and bitter leaves are used as gentle aperients and prescribed in vitiligo and biliousness. A decoction of seed is considered sudorific.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

Saptala - Shikakai

Botanical name: Acacia Concinna
Sanskrit: Saptala
Hindi: Reetha
Malayalam: Inja
Tamil: Shikakai
Telugu: Cheekaya,
Kannada: Shigekayi,
Oriya: Vimala

Shikakai is a commonly used herb that has many remedial qualities. It is popularly referred as "fruit for the hair" as it has a naturally mild pH, that gently cleans the hair without stripping it of natural oils. Shikakai is used to control dandruff, promoting hair growth and strengthening hair roots. Shikakai naturally removes the dirt and excess oil accumulated on the scalp.

* Shikakai promotes hair in several ways:

* Provides new life to hair strands

* Strengthens hair roots

* Increases bounciness and silkiness of hair

* Promotes hair growth.

* It is also used to combat dandruff and lice.

The powder or the extract from the bark, leaves or pods is used as a hair cleansing agent. It is very effective in removing oil and dirt from hair. The normal practice is to apply oil to hair and scalp and allow it soak for some time. This will keep the body cool, reducing body heat and also prevent the scalp from getting dry. The powdered Shikakai is used as a shampoo to wash off the oil.

Since Shikakai is naturally low in pH, therefore it is extremely mild, and does not strip hair of its natural oils. Usually no rinse or conditioner is used since Shikakai also helps in the disentangling of the hair

Actually the bark of Shikakai is high on saponins - chemical compound; these act as foaming agents. Therefore Shikakai is such a good cleaning agent and hence has been traditionally used as a detergent


Take a small portion of the powder in a bowl and add water. Stir gently until you get a paste. Apply on your hair instead of a shampoo and rinse well using water

Optional ingredients such as rose petal powder and hibiscus flower petal powder can be added for a pleasing fragrance and lustrous shiny hair

To buy Shikakai click here

Nagarjun - Amman Pacharisi

Botanical name: Euphorbia Hirta
Family: Euphorbiaceae
English: Asthma herb, Snake weed, Asthma Weed, Sneeze Weed
Hindi: Dudhi, Duddhi, Lal-dudhi, Bara Dudhi, Mothi Dudhi
Bengali: Barokarni, Barokherni
Kannada: Kempuneneyakk, Achchedida, Akkigida
Konkani: Dudurli
Malayalam: Kuzhinagappala,Nilappaala, Nilappala
Manipuri: Pakhamba Maton
Marathi: Dudhi
Rajasthani: Dhedhi-dudheli
Sanskrit: Nagari, Dugdhika, Nagarjun, Ksira
Tamil: Amman Pacharisi
Telugu: Nanapala

Euphorbia hirta, or asthma weed, has been used medicinally in various cultures for centuries. The entire plant can be used as a natural medicine whether it is collected during its dried, fruiting, or blooming stage. Each part of the plant is effective for treating different ailments.

Siddha Medicinal Uses:
For Leucorrhoea, in woman the paste or powder of the leaves is given along with butter milk. The leaves acts as a Laxative and Coolant. Paste of the leaves or Powder is applied externally to cure swellings and ulcers.

It help the body to expel worms and other parasites. Applying crushed leaves to a wound can stop bleeding, and it contains anti-inflammatory agents that speed the healing of pimples, wounds, and boils.

Ayurvedic medical practitioners in India use euphorbia hirta to treat bronchial conditions. An extract of this medicinal plant can ease the symptoms of colds, asthma, bronchitis, and coughs. It is also used to treat urinary tract infections and venereal diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea.

This herb is an effective home remedy for male sexual disorders. The plant can also help prevent premature and involuntary ejaculation in males.

Euphorbia hirta promotes the healing of various female disorders. A decoction of the root is given to increase lactation in nursing mothers who aren’t producing enough milk, but it should never be administered to pregnant women. Different parts of the plant can induce miscarriage.

Euphorbia hirta contains antiviral and antibacterial properties which make it effective in treating a wide variety of diseases. It can reduce the symptoms of diarrhea and is commonly used to treat dysentery.

A decoction made from the root can be used as a gargle to treat mouth ulcers and thrush. Ingesting large amounts of this herb can induce vomiting.

The milky extract of the fresh plant is applied externally to cure warts.