Aug 5, 2014

Kastooriharidra - Kasturimanjal

Botanical Name: Curcuma Aromatica Salisb
Family: Zingiberaceae
Common Names: Wild turmeric, Aromatic turmeric

Sanskrit: Aranyaharidra, Vanaharidra, Kastooriharidra
Hindi: Jangli haldi, Ban haldi
Tamil: Kasturimanjal
Malayalam: Kastoorimanjal
Telugu: Kasthuri Pasupa
Kannada: Kasthuri Arishina
Gujarati: Zedoari

The wild ginger is one among the 80 members of Zingiberaceae family of plants. The perennial foliage dies down in late autumn and the rhizomes remain dormant in winter. The inflorescence appears in early spring from the base of the rhizomes. During summer monsoon season and the immediately following weeks, the plant grows fast and vigorously. The stalk grows to about 20–30 centimetres tall, and is crowned with enlarged coloured bracts with pink tips. Leaves often appear even after the flowers. When in full growth the plants can reach a height of about40 cm tall.

Kasthuri manjal – Curcuma aromatica – This “cosmetic manjal” is often boiled, dried and powdered to use for external application to the skin. It makes a wonderful skin rejuvenative for skin whitening when used in fresh or raw from in face pack. Kasthuri manjal grows larger than normal haldi used in curries, is lighter in color, more aromatic and has a thinner skin. Unlike Curcuma longa (used in curries), Kasthuri manjal won’t stain the skin yellow.

Kasturi Manjal is used to cure leprosy, skin disease, insect bites and imparts glow to the skin. Applying on the body before bath is a good preventive measure against skin diseases and for a glowing skin.

It also helps to restore or maintain youth by controlling wrinkle and crease formation on the surface of the skin. Turmeric can also benefit skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis and acne.

How to Use Kasturi Manjal for Skin Whitening

People with dry skin can use kasturi manjal with milk cream and let it dry before bath.  Oily skin people can use either rose water or water to make a mixture.

Other well-known beauty recipes with Kasthuri Manjal:
1. During pregnancy, apply a paste of Kasturi Manjal to your lower belly every other day to avoid getting stretch marks.

2. Prepare a mix of Honey and Turmeric and apply this mask on your face to get glowing skin.

3. Prepare a paste with Kasturi Manjal and luke warm coconut oil and apply on face to reduce unwanted hair growth.

4. A mix of Kasthuri manjal and sandal wood powder can cure acne if applied regularly. Rub the mix on affected skin area and wash off after 30 minutes

5. Apply a mix of sugar cane juice and Kasthuri Manjal on your face and wash off after 20 minutes to treat wrinkles.

6. Another mix of buttermilk and Kasthuri manjal applied near our eyes can eliminate the wrinkles and marks.

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