Jul 4, 2014

Kumuda - Venthamarai

Common names: White Lotus, Waterlily
Botanical Name: Nymphaea Alba
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Hindi: Kumuda
Tamil: Venthamarai, Vellambal
Malayalam: Vellambal, Neerambal
Sanskrit: Kumuda
Bengali: Shaluk
Kannada: Kannaidile
Assamese: Nal
Manipuri: Tharo Angouba

Popular Name(s): Tiger Lotus, Wild Pond Lily, Egyptian White Water Lily, Sweet-Scented Pond Lily, Sweet Scented Water Lily, Toad Lily, Pond Lily, Water Lily, Cow Cabbage, Sweet Water Lily, Water Cabbage, Blue Lotus, Blue Water Lily, Sacred Blue Lotus, Blue Lily of the Nile.

A species of water lily, white lotus is a perennial plant growing to a height of 45 cm. Also known as tiger lotus, it grows in clear, warm, still and slightly acidic waters. The lily pads can be seen floating on water, while the blossoms rise above the water. The flowers are white in color sometimes, with a pink tinge. The leaves vary from green to red-brown, with a number of purple spots. Tiger lotus is native to the Nile and is grown in various parts of East Africa and Southeast Asia. It is often used as an aquarium plant.

Parts used:  Rhizome, flowers

Useful components: Alcaloids, glycosides, resin, tannins

Medicinal use: 
White Lotus is considered to be an astringent, antiseptic, anesthetic, anaphrodisiac and sedative. It can be used in treatment of bronchial congestion, and it can disperse the stagnated mucus from the chest. A decoction made from the root is beneficial in treatment of diarrhea caused by irritable bowel syndrome, and also in treatment of dysentery. White Lotus flowers are considered to reduce sexual drive and to have a soothing and sedative effect on the nervous system. Therefore, they can be used in treatments of insomnia and different sorts of anxieties.

Venthamarai poo choornam a is very effective for management of hypertension and given in the dose of 3 – 5 grams with milk before food twice a day.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

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