Apr 12, 2014

Guduchi - Seendhil kodi

Botanical Name: Tinospora Cordifolia
Sanskrit: Guduchi, Amrutavalli ,
Hindi: Geloy, Gurcha
Bengali: Gulancha,Palo
Tamil: Shindilakodi, Seendhil kodi
Kannada: Amruta balli
Malayalam: Amruthu, Chittamruthu
Telugu: Tippa-teega
Gujarati: Galac, Garo
Marathi: Guduchi 
Oriya: Guluchi
Punjabi:  Gilo

Parts Used : Stem, leaves

Tinospora cordifolia is a shrub that is native to India. Its root, stems, and leaves are used in Ayurvedic medicine in the name of Guduchi . It is a tall climbing shrub which is known to possess a number of wonderful therapeutic values through its use. This medicinal herb is a health rejuvenator which is widely known for its effectivity in enhancing natural immunity to fight against a number of illnesses such as fever, jaundice, skin diseases, constipation, tuberculosis, and leprosy. It is a blood purifier and general debility enhancer.

Effect on Tridosha :Pacifies all the three Doshas and maintain their balance with each other i.e. why it is said to be having Rasayana character; besides it find important place in the herbs useful in management of diseases having Tridoshic origin.when taken with Ghruta (Indian clarified butter) it balances Vata, with Guda (Jaggery) Pitta and with honey the Kapha.

Medicinal uses & Benefits of Guduchi- All parts of Guduchi plant are used for various medicinal purposes. Patients suffering from diabetes can benefit immensely by using leaves of this plant. The leaves are collected, washed and then dried in shade for a couple of days. It is then powdered to a fine consistency and taken in the mornings and evenings. A teaspoonful of this powder in a glass of water would be the recommended dosage.

-The herb accords longevity, enhances memory, improves health, and bestows youth, betters complexion, voice, energy and luster of the skin.

-It is helpful in treating digestive ailments such as hyperacidity, colitis, worm infestations, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, excessive thirst, and vomiting and even liver disorders like hepatitis.

-It helps in remedying ailments like raktapitta, anemia, cardiac debility, diabetes, sexual debility and splenic disorders.

-It benefits general weakness, dyspepsia, impotency, dysentery, constipation, general debility,

-Guduchi helps in getting rid of Urinary Stone and reduces Blood urea level.

-The decoction of guduchi and sunthi is a good combination for treating gout and rheumatic disorders.

-Guduchi , when taken with cow’s milk, is effective in combating leucorrhea.

-The root of guduchi is a strong emetic and used for bowel obstruction.

Actions according to Ayurveda:
Vaya sthapana- Guduchi increases longevity
Daha prashamana- Guduchi alleviates excessive thirst
Trishna nigrahana- Guduchi alleviates burning sensation
Stanya shodhana- Guduchi purifies the breast milk
Triptighna- Guduchi alleviates anorexia making a person to feel hungry
Rasayani- Rejuvenator
Samgrahini- It has the tendency to absorb the liquid from the gastric waste, leaving it to normal consistency
Balya- Guduchi increases strength
Agni deepani- Guduchi ignites digestive fire
Valee palita nashini- Guduchi delays the signs of aging
Medhya- Enhances grasping power, memory and recollection ability.

This is an herb that can be useful as a part of our daily diet.

Diabetic patients are advised to use guduchi with caution, since it can lower blood sugar levels. In case you are about to undergo a surgery, stop consuming guduchi two weeks beforehand, since it can interfere with blood sugar control during the surgery.

It is better to avoid guduchi during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

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