Jan 27, 2014

Kokilaksha - Neermulli

Botanical Name: Hygrophila Auriculata / Asteracantha longifolia
Sanskrit: Kokilaaksha, Kokilaakshi
Hindi: Talmakhana, Taalmakhaanaa
Tamil: Neermulli
Assamese: Kulekhara
Bengali: Kuliyakhara
Gujarati: Ekharo
Kannada: Kolavali
Malayalam: Vayalchulli
Oria: Koillekha
Telugu: Niti gobbi, Niti malli
Urdu: Talamkhana

Kokilaaksha or Hygrophila Auriculata is a small thorny herb which grows to 2-4 feet height. The flowers are purple in colour and have orange streaks. The seeds of this plant are red in colour and when kept in mouth feel sticky and slippery. It usually grows in marshy areas where water is available. It can be found near ponds, paddy fields etc.

According to principles of ayurveda this plant is heavy to digest and improve moistness of tissues. It increases mucous secretion and acts as a binding agent. It tastes sweet (madhura rasa) and cold in potency.

Health Benefits of Kokilaksha
Seeds of this plant effectively normalise vata. Since Vata controls nervous system, the seeds of kokilaksha are effective in nervous disorders like weakness of nerves. It is effective in disease like Gout, since gout is caused due to vitiation of vata.

Kokilaksha is very effective in diseases of digestive system. This plant stimulates Liver and normalises bowel movement. Hence roots of this plant are used in liver diseases like Jaundice, enlargement of liver and bloating due to constipation.
Seeds of this plant are very good aphrodisiac. Ayurveda acharyas recommend this herb in male infertility. The seeds effectively increase sperm count and sperm motility. Hence the conditions like low sperm count can be improved by use of this herb. The seeds of Kokilaksha are best herbal ayurvedic remedy for Erectile Dysfunction. It is the main ingredient for the many Ayurvedic medicine recommended for erectile dysfunction

Research has shown that this plant has hypoglycaemic activity and improves blood sugar level in diabetic patients. It has dual benefits i.e. it controls blood sugar level and also helps to rectify erectile dysfunction.
This plant has very good diuretic properties. It increases urine output. Due to this property Kokilaksha is used in conditions like urinary calculi and cystitis.

Medicinal uses:

Texts of Ayurveda recommend this in treatment of gout.

This herb stimulates liver and detoxifies it. Hence Ayurveda acharyas recommend its use in liver diseases like jaundice, liver enlargement and indigestion.

Root of this herb normalises bowel movement and relieves bloating which happens due to constipation.
It strengthens the nervous system and reduces weakness.

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