Jan 27, 2014

Kokilaksha - Neermulli

Botanical Name: Hygrophila Auriculata / Asteracantha longifolia
Sanskrit: Kokilaaksha, Kokilaakshi
Hindi: Talmakhana, Taalmakhaanaa
Tamil: Neermulli
Assamese: Kulekhara
Bengali: Kuliyakhara
Gujarati: Ekharo
Kannada: Kolavali
Malayalam: Vayalchulli
Oria: Koillekha
Telugu: Niti gobbi, Niti malli
Urdu: Talamkhana

Kokilaaksha or Hygrophila Auriculata is a small thorny herb which grows to 2-4 feet height. The flowers are purple in colour and have orange streaks. The seeds of this plant are red in colour and when kept in mouth feel sticky and slippery. It usually grows in marshy areas where water is available. It can be found near ponds, paddy fields etc.

According to principles of ayurveda this plant is heavy to digest and improve moistness of tissues. It increases mucous secretion and acts as a binding agent. It tastes sweet (madhura rasa) and cold in potency.

Health Benefits of Kokilaksha
Seeds of this plant effectively normalise vata. Since Vata controls nervous system, the seeds of kokilaksha are effective in nervous disorders like weakness of nerves. It is effective in disease like Gout, since gout is caused due to vitiation of vata.

Kokilaksha is very effective in diseases of digestive system. This plant stimulates Liver and normalises bowel movement. Hence roots of this plant are used in liver diseases like Jaundice, enlargement of liver and bloating due to constipation.
Seeds of this plant are very good aphrodisiac. Ayurveda acharyas recommend this herb in male infertility. The seeds effectively increase sperm count and sperm motility. Hence the conditions like low sperm count can be improved by use of this herb. The seeds of Kokilaksha are best herbal ayurvedic remedy for Erectile Dysfunction. It is the main ingredient for the many Ayurvedic medicine recommended for erectile dysfunction

Research has shown that this plant has hypoglycaemic activity and improves blood sugar level in diabetic patients. It has dual benefits i.e. it controls blood sugar level and also helps to rectify erectile dysfunction.
This plant has very good diuretic properties. It increases urine output. Due to this property Kokilaksha is used in conditions like urinary calculi and cystitis.

Medicinal uses:

Texts of Ayurveda recommend this in treatment of gout.

This herb stimulates liver and detoxifies it. Hence Ayurveda acharyas recommend its use in liver diseases like jaundice, liver enlargement and indigestion.

Root of this herb normalises bowel movement and relieves bloating which happens due to constipation.
It strengthens the nervous system and reduces weakness.

Jan 23, 2014

Neem - Vembu

Botanical Name: Azadirachta Indica
Common Names: Neem, Margosa
Sanskrit: Arishta, Nimba, Pichumarda, Pichumanda, Sarvatibhadra, Subhadra, Prabhadra
Hindi: Neem
Tamil: Vembu
Malayalam: Veppu, Arya Veppu
Punjabi: Nimm
Bengali: Nim
Marathi: Kadu Limba
Telugu: Vepa
Kannada: Bevu

Neem is a tree. The bark, leaves, flowers and seeds are used to make medicine. Neem is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicines and remedies since thousands of years.

In India, the plant is variously known as "Sacred Tree," "Heal All," "Nature's Drugstore," "Village Pharmacy" and "Panacea for all diseases". Products made from neem trees have been used in India for over two millennia for their medicinal properties: neem products are believed to be antifungal, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, contraceptive and sedative.

Neem leaf is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis), and liver problems. The leaf is also used for birth control and to cause abortions.

The Bark is used for malaria, stomach and intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, pain, and fever.

The flower is used for reducing bile, controlling phlegm, and treating intestinal worms.

The fruit is used for haemorrhoids, intestinal worms, urinary tract disorders, bloody nose, phlegm, eye disorders, diabetes, wounds, and leprosy.

Medicinal Uses:

Skin: Most effective in inflammatory skin conditions with itching, oozing and infection. Its intense bitterness has renowned anti-bacterial and fungicidal activity which can help with eczema and general skin inflammations.

Gastro Intestinal Tract:
Used in intestinal inflammation- specific for hyper acidity, ulcers, colitis. Clears mucus and bleeding from the GIT. Useful in fissures, fistulas, haemorrhoids and local congestion in the lower bowel. Clears the intestine parasites and worms. Very useful in bacterial infection.

Traditionally used in diabetes mellitus to support the system and regulate blood-sugar levels. If you have diabetes and use neem, monitor your blood sugar carefully. It might be necessary to change the dose of your diabetes medication.

Mouth: Traditional usage for toothache, gingivitis and general oral hygiene- use an infusion of the leaves as a mouthwash.

Neem's traditional use is based on its detoxifying benefits that help maintain healthy circulatory, digestive, respiratory and urinary systems. It is used for external applications in skin diseases. Neem is bitter and alterative. One of the most powerful blood purifiers and detoxifiers in Ayurvedic usage, Neem is often used to maintain healthy skin.

Dosages :
3 to 5gram per day before Breakfast or Dinner.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

Jan 5, 2014

Waykaran - Vadhanarayanan

Botanical Name: Delonix elata , Delonix Regia
Family: Caesalpiniaceae (Gulmohar family)
Common Name: White Gulmohar, White Poincian
Sanskrit: Siddhesvara
Hindi: Waykaran, Samrsro, Sanesro, Sandeshra( वयकरण, समरसरो, सनेसरो , संदेशरा )
Tamil: Vadhanarayanan, Perungondrai, Vadanarayanan (வாத நாராயணன்)
Malayalam: Vadhanarayanan വാദനാരായണൻ
Kannada: Kempukenjiga, nirangi, vatanarayana
Marathi: Sanchaila, sankasura
Telugu: Chinna seribiseri, Chitti keshwaramu (చిన్న సెరిబిసిరి, చిట్టి కేశ్వరము)

Delonix elata is an erect tree, 6-10 m tall, with ash-colored bark. Leaves are 6-20 cm long, double-compound, like Gulmohar. Flowers are white in the beginning, turning yellow orange; the upper petal is smaller and darker in colour, almost circular, curled at the margins, 2.5 cm long. Within India, it is found wild in some parts of peninsular India and frequently planted as an avenue tree.

Health Benefits
To alleviate the Knee pain and joint pain, the extract of the Waykaran can be given for once or twice a week.

- When taken with garlic, it gives a notable relief from all the gastric problems and stomach related diseases.

- Externally it can be applied to treat wounds and Joint pain

Morning - Mix 5 grams of powder in 100 ml water and boil the content for few minutes. Filter the content and drink it before food. Repeat the same for evening after dinner.