Nov 13, 2013

Gulab - Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa Damascena Synonyms: Rosa Centifolia
Family: Rosaceae
Hindi: Gulab
Bengali: Golap, Sheuti
Gujarati: Seboti
Tamil: Roja, Rose
Sanskrit: Shatapattra, Satapatri, Suman, Sumana
Urdu: Gulab.
Punjabi: Gul
Telugu: Gulaabi

Parts Used: 

Red Rose petals, Pink Rose petals, Rose oil, Rose leaves, Rose buds, Rose Calyx, Rose roots.


Cultivated throughout India


Rose plants are usually shrubby, in appearance with long drooping canes and grayish green leaves. The flowers are round and globular, with thin overlapping petals that are highly scented. The shrub is erect, with a height of 3 to 6 feet. The branches are closely covered with nearly straight prickles. The shoots of the plant are also erect. The leaves are unequally pinnate and there are 5 to 7 leaflets, which are oblong or ovate. The flowers of rose plant, which account for the petals, are large and pinkish or red in color. The flowers vary in hues, form and size. There are 100 documented varieties of flowers from this plant.

Plant Chemicals
The petals contain volatile oil, tannic acid, coloring matter, saccharine matter, mineral salts, and salts of malic and tartaric acids, etc. In addition to substantial proportions of vitamin C, rose petals contain other chemical amalgams, which comprise 11 per cent of pectin and three per cent of a mix of malic and citric acids. Researchers are of the opinion that the presence of malic acid and citric acid are the reason behind the laxative and diuretic effects.

Uses & Benefits of Rose Petals
Rose petals are rejuvenating and prove to be a tonic. They are used to treat internal asthma, high blood pressure, bronchitis, slow circulation, diarrhoea, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), cough, fever and fluid retention, indigestion, insomnia, palpitation, stress and urinary tract infections.

Due to their strong and pleasant fragrance, rose petals are used for making essential oils and perfumes.

They are ingested as a tea to provide a comforting effect and diminish body temperatures during high fevers.

The tea also effectively cleanses toxins and heat from the body.

The infusion prepared from the rose petals is used to alleviate cold and flu symptoms.

The infusion is also effective in treating sore throats, runny nose and congested bronchial tracts.

The petals effectively combat infections in the digestive system and restore the normal and essential bacteria in the intestines.

They have a diuretic effect and hence, are beneficial in relieving excessive fluids from the urinary bladder.

Rose petals help to get rid of the waste and toxic substances in the body, through the kidneys.

They alleviate problems of insomnia, depression, fatigue and comfort tetchiness.

Medicinal Uses of Rose 
It were the Romans who formerly used the rose for medicinal purposes; myth has it that Cleopatra festooned her bed and floors with unsullied rose petals when amusing guests. Roses have diuretic effects as they contain Vitamin C, pectin, malic and citric acids bearing the quality of both an aphrodisiac and an antidote to warfare drunkenness. Its effect in medicinal science proves that it clears toxins and heat from the body resulting in the cooling effect on the body. The rose flower can relieve one from sore throat, runny nose and blocked bronchial tubes. Roses are useful to people those prone to chest problems by fighting against infections. Rose tea helps to fight the infection in the digestive tract and re-establish the normal bacterial population of the intestines. Rose petals relieve fluid retention and hasten the elimination of wastes through kidneys. The practitioners of naturopathy and herbal therapy believe that rose is a wonderful remedy for dysentery, diarrhea and gastro enteritis. As it is a laxative, it works as a remedy for all liver problems including sluggishness and constipation. It has also been said that roses help to cleanse the liver and gall bladder and promotes bile flow.

Rose Petal Tea can be used to relieve uterine congestion causing pain and heavy periods. It is an excellent remedy for irregular periods and infertility relieving uterine congestion causing pain and heavy periods. It is an excellent remedy for irregular periods and infertility. As recommended by the physicians the use of rose petals to treat erratic menstrual periods, as well as to perk up sexual desire in individuals. Roses have an uplifting effect on the nervous system and can relieve insomnia, depression and fatigue. Rose is also considered to be an effective cleanser and purifier. Rose hips also contain Carotenoid pigments, plant sterols, Tocotrienols and a very high level of Anthocyanins, Catechins and other Polyphenolics, known Phytochemicals to protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Although rose petals are mostly used, but the leaves, hips, seeds and root bark are used for medicinal purposes.The leaves as well as the petals of the rose plant grant a comforting effect and if ingested as a tea, can lessen body temperature during high fevers. The tea prepared with rose petals and leaves is also effective in cleansing toxins and heat from the body. In problems like rashes on the skin and inflammatory (swelling and irritation) problems, rose petals are used to get rid of these problems. Several researches have shown that the rose also possesses properties that increases the body`s immunity and helps to restrict all kinds of infections from becoming larger problems. Rose hips as well as the petals of the rose flowers acquire the properties that have reconditioning effects on the nervous system. They are also capable of alleviating the problems of insomnia, do away with depression, drive out fatigue and also offer comfort in conditions such as tetchiness. The anti-inflammatory properties of rose hips have recently been shown to be useful in the treatment of patients suffering from knee or hip osteoarthritis.

Take 5 Grms powder with Honey or Milk in empty stomach or as advised by the Naturopaths.

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