Sep 22, 2013

Gular - Athi


Botanical Name: Ficus Racemosa 
Synonyms: Ficus Glomerata
Family: Moraceae (Mulberry family)
Common Name: Cluster Fig, Indian Fig, Crattock, Rumbodo, Atteeka, Redwood Fig
English: Gular fig, Country Fig, Cluster Fig
Hindi: Gular, Dumar, Jantu Phal, Umari, Yajnyadumbur, Pushp-hina, Dharma Patra,Pani Bhuj
Malayalam: Aththi, Atthi, Jantuphalam, Udumbaram
Tamil: Nalla Atthi, Vellai Atthi, Athi
Manipuri: Heibong 
Telugu: Paidi, Atti, Brahmamamidi, Bodda
Marathi: Umber
Kannada: Rumadi
Oriya: Dimri 
Bengali: Udumbara
Gujarati: Umbaro, Goolar
Kannada: Atti Mara, Atti
Konkani: Rhumbud
Sanskrit: Udumbara, Sadaphalah, Brahanvrkisha, Vasudrumah, Sutah, Saumya, Mashakin, Jantukaphalah, Jantuphalah, Hemadugdhaka, Yagniyah, Jantumati, Yajnayoga, Gular

Goolar is an attractive fig tree with a crooked trunk and a spreading crown. Unlike the banyan, it has no aerial roots. The most distinctive aspect of this tree is the red, furry figs in short clusters, which grow directly out of the trunk of the tree. Those looking for the flower of goolar should know that the fig is actually a compartment carrying hundreds of flowers. One might wonder how these flowers enclosed in a ball are pollinated. The flowers are pollinated by very small wasps that crawl through the opening in search of a suitable place to reproduce (lay eggs) Without this pollinator service fig trees cannot reproduce by seed. In turn, the flowers provide a safe haven and nourishment for the next generation of wasps. Goolar is a tree commonly found in cities and towns. It has evergreen leaves, if it is close to a water source. Otherwise it sheds its leaves in january. Figs have been traditionally used by children to play. Thin sticks can be joined by inserting them in goolar figs to make interesting shapes.

Part Used: 
Bark, Root, Leaves, Fruits

It is cultivated all over india and also grows wild in many forests and hill areas.

Medicinal uses of Ficus Glomerata Fruits:
Ficus glomerata fruits are used for treating intestinal worms, leucorrhea, menorrhagia, dysmenrrhea, fatigue, epitasis, bowel complaints, blood impurity, horse voice, bronchitis, cystitis, weak erection and leprosy.

Take gular fruits and make paste. Mix paste with honey and apply regularly on burn marks. Use regularly to get normal skin tone.Also burning causes skin to tighten and stiffen. Apply paste of bark and leaves at such burnt areas.

Medicinal uses of Ficus Glomerata Leaves:
Take Ficus Glomerata Leaves juice and add misri to this juice. Take regularly to get relief from Rakta Pitta , Nose Bleeding

The tender leaf buds are applied on the skin, in the form of paste, to improve the complexion.

Take tender leaves and extract juice. Drink 15 ml juice for few days to get relief from Urticaria(Hives) or sheetpitta.

Drink 10- 15 ml juice of gular leaves for Dysentery.

Take milk like secretion or latex of gular tree after plucking leaves and soak in cotton. Apply on affected area to get a relief from Fistula, Piles Hemorrhoids.

Drink 1 cup juice of gular leaves powder in the morning for Leucorrhea, Weakness , Spermatorrhea.

Drink leaves juice of gular for Burning In Hands and Feet due To excess Pitt.

The bark is galactagogue, acrid, cooling, and also used in treatment of colitis, dysentery, anorexia, piles and menstrual disorders.

The skin of the bark is used in diabetics to stop frequent urination, while bark decoction is used in enema preparation and leaves are drunk for cervical adenitis.

Take 5 Grms powder with Honey before bed or mix in water and drink or as advised by the Naturopaths.

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