Sep 24, 2013

Swarnamukhi - Nilavarai

Botanical Name: Cassia Angustifolia

Family Name: Caesalpinaceae
Common Name: Indian Senna
Hindi: Senna, indian Senna, Sanay, Sanaya, Hindisana, Swarnamukhi, Sonamukhi, Sunamukhi 
Sanskit: Markandika, Swarnapatri, Rajavriksha
Tamil: Nilavarai, Nilapponnai,Nilavagai,Nilavaagai, Avuri
Telugu: Sunamukhi,
Malayalam: Sunnamukhi, Nilavaka, Chinnukki
Urdu: Sana.sunamukhi
Gujarati: Sonamukhi
Kannada: Nelavrika, Sonamukhi

Habitat: Cultivated in dry lands of Southern & Western India, and indigenous to Arabia.
Parts Used: Pods, stems, leaves

A small erect shrub, Indian senna attains a height of about 2 to 3 feet. Its stem is pale green, smooth and erect. The spread out branches possess around 4 to 5 pairs of leaves. These leaves are pale yellowish-green in color, elongated spear shaped with pointed apex, about 1 to 2-inch in length and about 0.2 to 0.3-inch in breadth. The plantar surface is shiny green and dorsal surface is yellowish green. The plant has small yellow flowers. The brown pod contains 5 to 7 seeds that are dark brown in color. 
Indian senna is native to India, Arab and tropical African countries. It is cultivated in India, Pakistan, Egypt and Sudan. In India, it is found throughout the year in South, mainly the districts of Thirunelveli, Madurai, Tiruchirapally and Mysore. It is commonly known as Indian Senna. 

Its leaves are dried and powdered to be used daily to strengthen immunity and cure many diseases.

Uses & Benefits of Indian Senna
- The herb stimulates liver for proper secretion of enzymes in the body.

- It helps in lowering bowels and increasing the peristaltic movement of the intestines.
- Indian senna purifies blood and restores the metabolic imbalance lost due to indigestion.

- The powder made from crushing leaves and fruit is helpful in treating constipation and indigestion.

- It is useful in relieving people from the condition of osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

- The herb is used as an expectorant, wound dresser, antidysentric, carminative and laxative.

- Indian senna is handy in treating loss of appetite, hepatomegaly, spleenomegaly, malaria, skin diseases, jaundice and anemia.

- The herb has purgative, anthchiintic, antipyretic, cathartic, laxative, vermifuge and diuretic properties.

- Treating loss of appetite, liver and spleen cancer, malaria, skin diseases, jaundice and anemia.

Senna contains compounds known as sennosides, which may be cathartic. They irritate the bowel walls, and stimulate evacuation. Frequent use is not recommended as it may become dependent to the system. Patient with spasmodic constipation, inflammatory conditions of the alimentary canal, fever, piles and menorrhagia should not take Senna. 

The laxatives that contain high dose of Indian senna can result in abdominal cramping and diarrhea. When Indian senna is consumed in high doses, the anthraquinones present in it may change the urine color to red, pink or brown. Prolonged use of Indian senna leaves can reduce the potassium levels in the body that can lead to muscle weakness and dangerous changes in heart rhythm. The leaves, when taken for a long period of time, can result in aching joints, weakened bones or muscles, weight loss and decreased appetite. Consuming the herb on a regular basis can cause clubbing at the ends of the fingers.

Karchur - Poolankizhangu

Botanical Name: Curcuma Zedoaria
Family Name: Zingiberaceae
English:  White Turmeric
Sanskrit: Karchur
Hindi: Kachur , Jangli-haldi, Amb halad, Gandhmul
Gujarati: Shatkachuro
Malayalam: Kacholam, Kachuram
Kannada: Kachora
Tamil: Poolankizhangu, Kichalikizhangu

Parts Used: Rhizomes

Zedoary, also known as white turmeric, is a rhizome with a thin brown skin and a bright orange, hard interior. Its smell is similar to that of turmeric and mango. The perennial herb has a warm-spicy, woody and camphoraceous  cineolic  odor and bears yellow shiny flowers, with red and green bracts. The ovate leaves possess purple-colored spots and are 1 to 2 feet long, narrowing at the base. The fruits are triangular and ovate in shape while the seeds are oval or spear shaped.
Zedoary plant is native to India and Indonesia. However, it is widely used as a spice in the West today. It is also found in sub-tropical regions of eastern Nepal.

Uses & Benefits of Karchur:
Since zedoary is anti-inflammatory, its paste is used on inflammation, wounds, skin ailments and pain. The herb serves as a body stimulant and purifies blood. It is used in the manufacture of liquors, stomach essences, perfumes and cosmetics.

Mix required powder in Rose water or curd and apply it on face, wash it after 30 minutes.

Sep 22, 2013

Gular - Athi


Botanical Name: Ficus Racemosa 
Synonyms: Ficus Glomerata
Family: Moraceae (Mulberry family)
Common Name: Cluster Fig, Indian Fig, Crattock, Rumbodo, Atteeka, Redwood Fig
English: Gular fig, Country Fig, Cluster Fig
Hindi: Gular, Dumar, Jantu Phal, Umari, Yajnyadumbur, Pushp-hina, Dharma Patra,Pani Bhuj
Malayalam: Aththi, Atthi, Jantuphalam, Udumbaram
Tamil: Nalla Atthi, Vellai Atthi, Athi
Manipuri: Heibong 
Telugu: Paidi, Atti, Brahmamamidi, Bodda
Marathi: Umber
Kannada: Rumadi
Oriya: Dimri 
Bengali: Udumbara
Gujarati: Umbaro, Goolar
Kannada: Atti Mara, Atti
Konkani: Rhumbud
Sanskrit: Udumbara, Sadaphalah, Brahanvrkisha, Vasudrumah, Sutah, Saumya, Mashakin, Jantukaphalah, Jantuphalah, Hemadugdhaka, Yagniyah, Jantumati, Yajnayoga, Gular

Goolar is an attractive fig tree with a crooked trunk and a spreading crown. Unlike the banyan, it has no aerial roots. The most distinctive aspect of this tree is the red, furry figs in short clusters, which grow directly out of the trunk of the tree. Those looking for the flower of goolar should know that the fig is actually a compartment carrying hundreds of flowers. One might wonder how these flowers enclosed in a ball are pollinated. The flowers are pollinated by very small wasps that crawl through the opening in search of a suitable place to reproduce (lay eggs) Without this pollinator service fig trees cannot reproduce by seed. In turn, the flowers provide a safe haven and nourishment for the next generation of wasps. Goolar is a tree commonly found in cities and towns. It has evergreen leaves, if it is close to a water source. Otherwise it sheds its leaves in january. Figs have been traditionally used by children to play. Thin sticks can be joined by inserting them in goolar figs to make interesting shapes.

Part Used: 
Bark, Root, Leaves, Fruits

It is cultivated all over india and also grows wild in many forests and hill areas.

Medicinal uses of Ficus Glomerata Fruits:
Ficus glomerata fruits are used for treating intestinal worms, leucorrhea, menorrhagia, dysmenrrhea, fatigue, epitasis, bowel complaints, blood impurity, horse voice, bronchitis, cystitis, weak erection and leprosy.

Take gular fruits and make paste. Mix paste with honey and apply regularly on burn marks. Use regularly to get normal skin tone.Also burning causes skin to tighten and stiffen. Apply paste of bark and leaves at such burnt areas.

Medicinal uses of Ficus Glomerata Leaves:
Take Ficus Glomerata Leaves juice and add misri to this juice. Take regularly to get relief from Rakta Pitta , Nose Bleeding

The tender leaf buds are applied on the skin, in the form of paste, to improve the complexion.

Take tender leaves and extract juice. Drink 15 ml juice for few days to get relief from Urticaria(Hives) or sheetpitta.

Drink 10- 15 ml juice of gular leaves for Dysentery.

Take milk like secretion or latex of gular tree after plucking leaves and soak in cotton. Apply on affected area to get a relief from Fistula, Piles Hemorrhoids.

Drink 1 cup juice of gular leaves powder in the morning for Leucorrhea, Weakness , Spermatorrhea.

Drink leaves juice of gular for Burning In Hands and Feet due To excess Pitt.

The bark is galactagogue, acrid, cooling, and also used in treatment of colitis, dysentery, anorexia, piles and menstrual disorders.

The skin of the bark is used in diabetics to stop frequent urination, while bark decoction is used in enema preparation and leaves are drunk for cervical adenitis.

Take 5 Grms powder with Honey before bed or mix in water and drink or as advised by the Naturopaths.

Dhumrapatra - Aaduthinnapalai

Dhumrapatra - Aaduthinnapalai

Botanical Name: Aristolochia Bracteata
Family: Aristolochiaceae

English: Bracteated birthwort
Gujarat: Midmari
Hindi: Kitamari,Kalipaad, Hukka-bel, Kiddamari
Kanada: Kattackiru banagida
Orissa: Paniri
Sanskrit: Keetamari Dhoomrapatra, Dhumrapatra, Nakuli, kitamari, visanika.
Tamil: Aaduthinnapalai, adutinnapalai.
Telugu: Gadida gadapa, gadidhagadapaaku, kadapara, Thella esshvari.
Marathi: Gandhari,Gindhaan

Benefits of Whole plant:
Dermatitis, allergic disorder, leprosy, jaundice, worms, fever, Mosquito repellent, Anodyne, purgative, emmenagogue

Benefits of Leaves
Anti-inflammatory,dermatitis,rashes,skin disease,for scorpion sting, Antipyretic, snake bite, Antiulcer,amenorrhoea, antihelmintic, Antiplasmodia

Benefits of Seeds
Antibacterial,anti inflammatory and analgesics, may toxic to goats

Benefits of Roots
Syphilis, gonorrhoea & skin diseases, eczema

Sep 18, 2013

Krishna Nimba - Karuveppilai

Krishna nimba - Karuveppilai

Botanical name: Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel
Family name: Rutaceae

Indian Names

Assamese: Narsinghs, Bisharhari
Hindi: Kathnim, Mitha neem, Curry or kurry patta, Gandhela, Bareanga
Bengali: Barsanga, Kariphulli
Gujarati: Goranimb, Kadhilimbdo
Kannada: Karibevu
Malayalam: Karriveppilei
Marathi: Karhinimb, Poospala, Gandla, Jhirang
Oriya: Barsan, Basango, Bhuraunga
Punjabi: Curry patta
Sanskrit: Krishna nimba
Tamil: Karivempu, Karuveppilai
Telugu: Karepaku


Murraya koenigii is a member of the Rutaceae family. It is a deciduous tree than can reach up to 7 m high. It has a sparse and open crown. The bark is dark brown in colour. The leaves are alternately placed, odd pinnately compound with 11-21 leaflets. The leaflet is oblong-lanceolate to ovate, curved with oblique base. The margins are serrate and the apex pointed. The flowers are in terminal clusters, white and fragrant. There are 5 petals which are oblong-lanceolate in shape. There are 10 stamens alternating long and short, 2-celled ovary, short and thick style. The fruits are subglobose in shape measuring 0.5 cm in diameter, blackish when ripe, oblong berry. The seeds contain 1 or 2 per fruit.

Plant Part Used: 

Leaves, fruit, shoot and bark

Traditional Uses:

Gastrointestinal Diseases : The leaves of M. koenigii is considered a stomachic, spasmolytic and helps promotes appetite and digestion. The green leaves are taken raw to treat diarhoea and dysentery. It is also useful in the treatment of intestinal worms, abdominal colic and haemorrhoids. The leaves treat digestive disorders like morning sickness, nausea and vomiting where the leaves are mixed with lime juice and honey. Infusion of roasted leaves can stop vomiting. When grounded finely and mixed with butter milk, it helps relieve stomach upset.

Antivenom : 
The bark and roots have antivenous activity and is used to treat insect and poisonous animal bites. In Nepal a paste of the bark is used for this purpose while in India a decoction of the leaves with bitters if given to those bitten by snakes. The Indians again made use of the juice of the berries mixed with equal portions of lime-juice to effectively treat insect stings and bites of poisonous creatures. 

Dermatological Diseases: 
The barks and roots are considered as stimulants and is used to cure eruptions of the skin. The leaves when applied on the skin help to relieve pruritus. It is also advocated for use to nourish hair roots which could promote the growth of healthy hair with normal pigmentation.

Other Uses:
Indians believed that by taking 10 fresh matured leaves for three months, diabetics could help relieve their burdens of the disease. The leaves also purify the blood and is used in fever, tuberculosis and cases of toxicosis. Juice of the roots on the other hand could help relieve kidney pains.

Curry leaf has many medicinal properties. It stimulates digestive enzymes and helps break down food more easily. Have a glass of buttermilk mixed with a little hing (asafoetida) with a few curry leaves thrown after meal for good digestion. A good remedy for nausea and indigestion. Extract juice of curry leaves, squeeze a lime and add a pinch of sugar.

Chew a few leaves every day to lose weight, Curry leaves are also known to improve eyesight, so make sure you do not throw away the leaves while eating. It is also believed to prevent cataract. Curry leaves are also good for hair growth and colour. If you don’t like its raw taste, you can buy the curry leaf powder widely available in the market and have it with dosa or hot rice. You can also make it at home. This will prevent pre mature greying of hair.

Take 5Grms powder mixed with Honey or butter milk in the morning and noon before food or as advised by the Naturopaths