Aug 30, 2013

Palval - Musumusukkai

Palval - Musumusukkai

Botanical name: Mukia Scabrella
Other Names:
Sanskrit: Bijagarbha, Karkasa, Karkasacchada, Kulaka, Meki
Hindi:  Palval, Palwal, Parvar, Parwal
Bengali: Potol, Patol
English: Pointed gourd
Malayalam: Kattu-potolam, Patolam
Tamil: Kombuppudalai, Musumusukai, Peypputalai, Amirtapalai

A dioecious climber with perennial root stock; stem slender, angled, hispid. Tendrils usually forked. Leaves 7.5 * 5 cm, ovate-oblong or cordate, acute, sinuate-dentate, rough on both surfaces.

This species is found in wild state only in the plains of North India from Punjab to Assam. It is also cultivated throughout the warmer regions of India like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam for its fruits and throughout India ascending up to 1,800 mtr in the Hills. The plant requires humid and hot climate. Propagation is done by root or stem cuttings. Early planting is done during February-April and late planting form May to July.

Parts used: Leaf

Chemical Constituents:                
Musumusukai is  typically low in calories, low in fat, high in protein per calorie, high in dietary fiber, high in iron  and calcium, and very high in phytochemicals such as vitamin C, carotenoids, lutein, folate as well as Vitamin K.

Siddha Medicinal Benefits:
Abdominal disorders
Skin disorders

If you take musumusukai leaves with your food, it will reduce sneeze problem, Boil the leaf juice with gingelly oil and apply topically on the head before taking bath to cure Asthma.

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