Oct 1, 2014

Dhub - Arugampul

Botanical Name: Cynodon Dactylon
Common Name: Bermuda grass
Tamil: Arugampul
Hindi: Dhub,Doob, Dobri,Dhub
Sanskrit: Durva, Niladurva, Saddala, Ananta
Malayalam: Karuka
Telugu: Garikagoddi,Ghericha, Gerichagaddi
Kannada: Garikoihallu, Balli garike, Ambate hullu
Assamese: Dubari
Bengali: Durba
Manipuri: Tingthou
Marathi: Haryali, Dhurva
Oriya: Dubbo ghas

Parts used: Leaf, Root (Whole plant).

Assured benefits of Bermuda grass

1) Bermuda grass is alkaline and helps our health
Most of the food we take are acidic and spoil our health. Grass is an alkaline food which is good for our health. This reduces acidity.

2) Removes toxins from the body
Constipation is mother of all diseases. Grass juice is very good for removing the toxins from your body. It cleanses the blood system.

3) Reduces obesity
Obesity has become a great menace today and is causing a lot of problems. Grass juice reduces your belly protecting you from obesity.

4) Strengthens teeth
It strengthens teeth and removes the bad odor of the mouth. It also stops bleeding of the gums. Chewing the grass and brushing with it can clean the teeth.

5) Good for breast feeding mother and infants
Grass juice improves the quality and quantity of mother’s milk.

6) Remedy for piles
Grass juice taken with fasting helps greatly in piles cases. It can cure also the wounds and stop bleeding.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

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